New reef tank advice


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
UK, Swindon
I have been wanting to setup a reef tank for a few months now and am pritty much convinced that after reading a lot of info (mainly here) I can manage it.

However I am still missing some info and I'd also like some general advise. I don't plan on actually setting up the reef tank for a few months yet so have some time to get things straight.

My initial hope is a sand bottom tank with live rock and some sea enemies(sp?) to go with a pair of clown fish. My LFS sell both all these so there is no problem sourcing them. After some time I'd like to add a star fish and perhaps some cleaner shrimp.

However what size tank do you think I should be aiming for. As always the bigger the better but what would you say the minimum size for a setup like that is so I can work from there.

Is it a good idea to setup the live rock and enemies first and get them established before adding the fish or do they like 'help' each other?

Also what do 'live rock' and enemies eat? I have read people saying about feeding them but no specific information.

Any advise will be very welcome? I think I'm fairly sorted on the water filtration / skimming part so it's more the fish cycle I need help with.
First... I would say a 40g min.
second.... cycle the tank with only sand and live rock for about 6 to 8 weeks.
Test & do water changes weekly untill cycle is done. You them can add cleaner shrimp, star, clowns and Anemone's

You can feed the anemone dried krill (sp) It's cool you put it in the tank and the clown fish will go get it and feed it to the anemone.
Live rock you dont really feed you can add calcium and alkaline to help it chang to very cool colors.

Hope that helps

Hazmat :)
Your tank size also depends on what you plan on doing in the future, I am always adding to my reef. The smaller the tank the less you can put in it. But if you only want the two clowns, anenome, and shrimp, you could get away with a 30 gallon. Remember that this is a small tank and will need much more care. You might want to look at a 55, 75, or up. You will also need a good light, metal halide would be my first choice, but they are very expensive. Coralife makes a good one that you can pick up for $250.00 U.S. for a 55, and 75 gallon. They also make a smaller one for around $150.00 or so.
You don't really have to feed live rock, and some anenomies you can hand feed shrimp wile others seem to exist on light and what ever is floating around in the water. I like to add Cyclop-eeze to the water, and Kent has some great products like ZooPlex, PhytoPlex, ect... It really just depends on what kind of corals and anemomies you get.
Set up you tank, put your sand and live rock in. Add your water (Reverse Osmosis Water, mixed with salt in a bucket out side of the tank.) Get you pumps and filter going, add some Bacter Vital or Stress Zyme then just kick back and wait a week or so. If everything is testing out ok put in a few cheap fish some snails and some hermit crabs, then wait and see if you can maintain that for six months. (Test weekly and do water changes as needed.) IF all is still going well, then start thinking about trying some of the less expensive anenome and see how they do.
At the end of the year and you still have what I have listed above, slowly start adding the things you really want. You can give your tank a little jump start by going to the LFS and getting some of the slime and rubble out of the bottom of the live rock tank. Just put that in the substraight, kick back and watch what happens.
If this is your first SW, I would take it nice and slow.
One last thing, dont ever run your filters under a faucet, clean them when you do your water changes with the water that you are removing from the tank. Oh, one more last thing, Only use RO water and dont change out more than 20% of your water at one time. Let us know what you decide on for tank, epuipement, etc...
When I started out I didnt have a forum to go to and ended up with alot of crap I didn't need. :sly: Good luck, hope that helps. Ram
Also, you might want to talk to Ostrow, Hazmat and GreatLakes. I tend to forget some things from time to time, you will find them very helpful.
What the, Hazmat snuck a post in there. :sly: I must type to slow. :S
I have nothing to add except, thanks RamJet for FREAKING ME OUT :hyper: :hyper: :S

Why oh why did I not think of the faucet cleaning problem?!?!? D'OH. Oh well I'm sure no harm done except for traces of phosphates. Sheesh though, you'd think I would know to use RO/DI to clean at least.

Course, sometimes we want to soak in vinegar. I think on those occasions I won't use tank water.

I would also cycle you tank with soem live sand if you are going to have a reef tank this will be really good for you tank and speed up the cycle process also say you get a Goby or something which are great reef fish they eat stuff and tiny creatures that spwan from your live rock and live sand

3 1/2 gallon reef tank

mushroom coral
yellow watchman goby
taking this one slow becasue it is so tiny
it my NANO tank

also if you a going to go reef tank you are going to need to but calcium and iodin ect... stuff that will help you corals grow
thx thats some good starting advise.

I'm thinking then I will go for around the 50Gal mark and get my live rock installed for a while before doing anything else.

Look like the learning curve is going to be 2x tropical ;)

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