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Sep 13, 2016
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Yesterday I´ve traded fish with other fellow keepers and breeders of rare livebearers. Some were new blood additions to my current stock. And there were some new additions of livebearer species.




So, in total the following livebearer species were brought home yesterday:
Xiphophorus helleri Yucatan
Xiphophorus xiphidium crescent
Xiphophorus maculatus (Chuco's place 2019)
Poeciliopsis gracilis, Rio del Oro
Nomorhamphus sp. Muna island
Poecilia salvatoris
Poecilia mexicana
Phallichthys pittieri, North of Chase, CR
Phallichthys tico
Alfaro cultratus
Skiffia multipunctata, Lago Camécuaro
Moscow lace triangle guppies

The last one mentioned is a fancy strain. All the rest are wild strains.
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Wilds aren’t my type. I like the fancies. I see you’re also on fish lore.
Wilds aren’t my type. I like the fancies. I see you’re also on fish lore.
Of course, it´s a personal preference what discipline you like. I like both disciplines to be honest (both wild and fancy)... :)
Yep, I'm also on Fishlore... ;)
It’s always fun to get new stock! Enjoy.
True! It's always fun to get new stock... Yay...! :fish::fish::fish:
That's a lot of fish :). Every time I go to the LFS I see fish I want to buy but I know I have to be discipline and think what is best for the fish I already have and not end up overcrowding them. I envy you with all your tanks :fish:
In response, I don't envy the work that goes in lol.
I think if we had the time we would have many tanks
Well, eventhough I do own a serious number of tanks; the time investment involved is still reasonable. The tanks are wellbalanced and the maintenance (includes feeding) is just a routine. There's still sufficient time left to do other things in my daily life. I do think a lot people who start a fish tank or multiple ones as a novice are too much influenced by an enormous wave of information/advice. And that makes so many people scared to maintain multiple tanks. I grew up with fish tanks by my parents who started keeping fish back in the 1960's. Fishkeeping back in those days was way more simple than these days when I do read and hear all the novelties within this field. But throughout the years, fishkeeping hasn't actually changed in order to keep fish and the fishtank itself well. So, I'm still old school, which works perfectly. I'm keeping, maintaining and breeding all fish I have the same way as I've done it throughout the years. In my opinion it's still the best way to do instead of following the instructions of manufacturers, retailers and commercial aquarium books.

But again, if all is wellbalanced, there's not that much time investment involved as most people may think... :)
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I believe for some people, one tank is too much. For others, a dozen is not enough. My 10 tanks plus my pond take me all day to clean on Mondays (actually about 4.5 hours). I’m retired though so I enjoy it. Every tank is cleaned weekly, fish are healthy, and parameters correct. Key: I have time to do this. It’s my hobby not my chore. So every person is different in the number of tanks that they can handle or even care to. It’s all preference and how many tanks you want to deal with and your budget will allow. @emeraldking is correct, once your tanks are established, they pretty much maintain themselves if you remain vigilant on cleaning and proper water changes.
. I have a FL account too. Name is BettaNGold on there.
I´m on FL as well... with the same username... :)
That's a lot of fish :). Every time I go to the LFS I see fish I want to buy but I know I have to be discipline and think what is best for the fish I already have and not end up overcrowding them. I envy you with all your tanks :fish:
I can stop myself from buying all the fish I see at an lfs. It´s something you learn throughout the years. You´re right... You should consider the wellbeing of your current fish before any additions are entering the tank.
Well, if you´re in the neighbourhood, feel free to drop by...

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