new puppy!


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
just had to show him off.....he's cute! (in an ugly way) or is it vise versa? well, anyway, heres the new pup with my doggy sadie!



i'll be puttin on more pictures soon...gotta take them first! :p
i'm havin the hardest time gettin a pic of him!


he's either layin down or facin the wrong direction! parents are talking about cutting his tail off. when he was with his sib's, they chewed his tail all to heck.

lmao...i know my dogs gotta be hating this! my dog hates it when other dogs touch her...wether it's bumping into her, walking around her when she's layin down...anything that involves contact. this new puppy wants to lay on her legs every time sadie lays down!!!

oh ya, btw...his name is blue. and if he looks grosly skinny, imo, it's probably cuz whoever had him and the other pups didn't feed them right...or he just couldn't get to the mommy enough. i dunno....but we'll change that. :D
i'd have to be forced to say he's cute and actually fully mean it. lol...when i first got him, i thought he was dreadfully ugly! but, between then and now, i guess he has gotten cuter. lol. ugly in a cute way.

the lil terd went into my room last night, and found my guinnea piggys wood chew on the floor. he just walked up, picked it up, and walked out of my room like nothin happened. so i came in to the other room and took it back from him, and put it back in my room. well, he came back for a visit...looked around...and left. i didn't think nothin of it. i come back out into the other room, and there he his, chewin away at my piggys wood chew! lol.

muah ha ha.....nothing a dog treat cant fix!

has anyone got any training tips? he sits with no problem. but you gotta point at or hit the floor to get him to lay down. and thats pretty much his limit of tricks right now. and we're gettin better at the potty training...i think he knows now, not to go in the house....but i don't think he knows how to tell us that he needs to go outside! it'd be nice if sadie could teach him....but it don't work that way. lol. what we're doing right now, is everytime he goes to the back door after so long, we let him out....and he usually does his business right away...but ya, he seems like a pretty*slow* dog....any tips? say he's cute now....but just wait till he grows up! he'll be TWICE the size my sadie is!

my dad actually wants the two to get into a fight/quarrel. and he wants sadie to win. so that way, maybe even when he does get bigger than her, he'll know that SHE is the alpha dog here...not him.

Reminds me of the kid book where the dog runs away and gets all muddy so his owner can't recognize him (because of the colors on your dog, of course :p).
lol! don't recall ever hearing of that story. should hear this thing yawn! it's almost sounds like a loud and sudden cry...and i mean loud! lol. know how you white wash someone in the winter by shoving their face in the snow? i had no clue that my sadie knew how to do that!!! i went outside to play with her and Blue, and i was acting like i was going to attack Blue, while saying "i'm gonna get the puppy!!! i'm gonna get him!". well, that got my dog all rawled up and she started goin after the puppy! she continuesly tried to grab Blue by his neck/colar and tried to drag him down into the snow...when she did get him down, she used her head to shove his face in the snow! it's the most hilarious thing to watch! tomorrow, i'm gonna go back outside with them, and bring my cam and see if i can't get some pics!'ve only had him for 2 days and he's already going to his cage ALL by himself at night time. :D

poor sadie....we're using her doggy bed for the cage, and i came out of my room earlier to find SADIE laying in the cage! she's too tall for that thing! short...but still too tall. her back scrapes the top or she'll hit her head when she goes in. i think we're gonna need two beds....sadie really doesn't appreciate blue stealing everything of hers.
don't worry. it's a cage for the night time, or when we leave. giving him a large area would be pointless to our potty training thing. for that short period of time that he's in there, he isn't going to want to go pee in his sleeping quarters. if we let him roam the house, or any other large area, alone, then he is free to pee whereever he likes, and there is no one to tell him it's bad, and smack him on the bum. it's a temporary thing until he is potty trained and has no accidents. sadie had to go through the same thing, and it worked wonders.

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