New Plecos


Fish Addict
Jun 4, 2005
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I know all of you are going to lecture me and think im crazy but I got 2 new plecos. A Choclate Albino Pleco in my 20g and a Rubber-Lipped Pleco in my ten(Will be put in 20 when he gets bigger). So go ahead and lecture me(Sylvia :D ).
Well I got mine for $6. They have 5 or 6 more at Petsmart. I'll try to get some pics of him. The albino sailfins are to yellow. He doesnt look like them.
ScoutCarcer said:
Well I got mine for $6. They have 5 or 6 more at Petsmart. I'll try to get some pics of him. The albino sailfins are to yellow. He doesnt look like them.
Any albino catfish will be quite white when you first get them as they stress out easily and will unlikely be getting enough food at your lfs or in a non-stresful enviroment, for example when i first got my albino corys a year and a half ago they were pure white but after a couple of weeks of good food and enviroment they started going yellowish and now they are almost gold in color.
Give your plec some time and he will start going yellow, also i would expect alot more than $6 for an albino chocolate plec, at least $30's(probably more like a hundred but anyways) if they were true albino chocolate plecs... is very big on info on plecs and will always have the most info officialy known about any plec available in your lfs at the time, but they don't realy have any on chocolate plecs which gives you an idea on how rare they are but none the less just looking at the pics i'd say they grow to at least 8inchs which will be too big for your tanks;

Its difficult to say but he's definatly either an albino sailfin or common plec but i am more leaning towards sailfin becuase of his shape, true albino plecs don't look anything like those and are very rare.
If your plecs a sailfin, he's gonna grow to 2ft long and need a 125gal tank.
If he's a common he'll grow to about 12inchs+ long, and need at least a 55gal tank.
Both will grow an inch a month and need an endless suply of algae wafers as they ahve big apetites, you should also do somthing about your current common plec.
scout, exactly how many 12" plecos do you think your uncle don can keep in a 120g? you are aware that the larger plecos are often quite territorial and will fight over space, right?
pica_nuttalli said:
scout, exactly how many 12" plecos do you think your uncle don can keep in a 120g? you are aware that the larger plecos are often quite territorial and will fight over space, right?
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
ScoutCarcer said:
pica_nuttalli said:
scout, exactly how many 12" plecos do you think your uncle don can keep in a 120g? you are aware that the larger plecos are often quite territorial and will fight over space, right?
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Its true scout, you don't have the space in any of your tanks to let your plecs grow to max size and letting them get stunted growth is cruel and out of the question, common and sailfin plecs as fairly peaceful as far as large plecs go and will tolerate each other fine when very small but will get nasty to each other when older if you don't have a very big tank, lots of terotory space with broken up boundrys and tons of food.
Start expecting them to fight at 4inchs in your 20gal tank.

Unless you upgrade to a much bigger tank/s, your have to stop hoarding fish and start seriously taking their best interests into consideration and doing things about them.
simple equation: big fish=big tanks, and a 20gal is not a big tank by any means.

Im not having a go at you, but you need to start being more responsable about your actions as to fish :nod: .

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