If you're a bird, I'm a bird
My mother-in-law had a pleco in her 55 that was like 16 inches long (at least) and my pleco in my 150 died, so I asked her if I could trade her for a smaller one that I had and she said sure. I got my plec in a bucket and drove the four blocks to her house and gave her the fish. Then I decided to go in after hers... Well, this didn't go as smoothly. First we tried with a net, no good. Then I had her get me a towel and on the third try with both hands, I wrestled him out and got him in the bucket (he was really heavy!!). Then in the car, he jumped out twice and cut my hands with his dorsal spines when I'd put him back in the bucket.When I got home he jumped out a third time, this time into the tank. What an ordeal! But I'm very happy we got him and I hope he gets to work soon!