New Pleco


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Wyoming, brrrr!
My mother-in-law had a pleco in her 55 that was like 16 inches long (at least) and my pleco in my 150 died, so I asked her if I could trade her for a smaller one that I had and she said sure. I got my plec in a bucket and drove the four blocks to her house and gave her the fish. Then I decided to go in after hers... Well, this didn't go as smoothly. First we tried with a net, no good. Then I had her get me a towel and on the third try with both hands, I wrestled him out and got him in the bucket (he was really heavy!!). Then in the car, he jumped out twice and cut my hands with his dorsal spines when I'd put him back in the bucket.When I got home he jumped out a third time, this time into the tank. What an ordeal! But I'm very happy we got him and I hope he gets to work soon!
lol that sounds like quite a trip! I know from fishing for coldwater cats here they can really nail you with their pectoral spines; you should have maybe looked up how to properly hold one first (to ensure Your safety), but at least everything worked out on you :)

That is just great. :cool: I find the fact that he just jumped out is down rite funny(not to be rood or anything like that, sorry to here about your hand hope it gets better).

Well I have a story just like that. I was working at a fish store for a while and one day a wras jumped out of it's tank into another tank. lucky for it all the saltwater tanks are all hooked up together. :D 8)

:fish: :fish:
Yeah, I've caught quite a few like that, but a fish that size in a tank that small was hard to catch and then in the car, I was more concerned with keeping him in the water then myself lol! He's settling in now, so I think everything will be fine.

When I managed the store here, the fiddler crabs migrated from tank to tank all the time! Whenever someone came in wanting one, we had to search all the tanks to find out where they went! Fish crack me up. :lol:

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