New Plakat "ain't doin' right?"


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Yesterday, I got a plakat as a breeder's reject from my LFS. He is very shy, but I'm starting to think he also doesn't feel well. He spends the whole day looking rather unhappy at the bottom of his tank, only perked up to flare at his neighbor or go up for air. His position is weird; he sortof "hunches" and clamps his fins.

I see no visible physical problem; no redness, swelling, fin rot, parasites, etc. He does look a tad chubby to me, so I've not fed him yet. Do you think he is just acclimating, or is something wrong?

The temp is currently 78 in the tank
The tank is 5 gallons, and I did not put the filter in since he is getting used to his settings still
The water parameters are all within safe and normal limits
The water was dechlorinated, and also had added stress coat, salt, and bioprotect


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He could be getting used to his home or he could be stressed out from seeing his neighbor since the tank is new to him so either punt something in front of it so he can't see him or he may be sick. It may be a good idea to just wait and see if any other symptoms show up.
I would give him a few days to get used to his new environment, unless he has no other visible signs ie. gold dusting, pine coning, white spots. He's probably just having a hard time adjusting. My lil plakat boy took a while before he started perking up. Try to feed him a pea, that way you'll be feeding him and at the same time maybe getting rid of the bloating. Also I would do the opposite that Durbkat has suggested and let him near his neighbor for a bit, obviously not overdoing it, but give him a little action. He may just be bored.
Sorry about that tip about not letting him see his neighbor I just thought that they shouldn't see anyone else since he would be new and stressed out from the trip and would want some alone time.
My plakat behaved the same way for ages after i got him, i tried salting and moving him around but in the end i think he was just bored or depressed.
He perked up after a month or so and now hes fine and in with the females.
I wasn't suggesting that your opinion was wrong durbkat, just thought that maybe getting some action would perk him up. Didn't wanna make it look like I thought you were giving bad advice.... :p
Isn't that what that medicine Betta Fix says...for general remedy of not feeling good or acting right? (sorry I can't recall exactly, but I know it's something along those lines :*) ) Maybe try some of that?

Mine do that too sometimes though..when I have them shipped in. Just takes some of them longer to acclimate, who knows what that fish had to endure at the fish shop...tank tappin kids, bad water, know.

Atleast he's found a good, permanent home though. :thumbs:
Um... ok.

His water looked a little clouded, and even though everything tested fine, I didn't like it; cloudy water never leads anywhere good. So I did a water change full; I'd been wanting to fill it to just 2.5 until he got more used to the space, anyways. Added dechlor, biosafe, stress guard, and acclimated him over the course of a half hour.
He's being very active and exploring the new plants and cave I put in. But he's doing this head-twitch thing every once in a while? He hit into the wall and awful lot the first day I got him; do you think he is damaged, or is this new water poisoning him? Please answer.

edit: I think I might know what this is. He didn't start the head twitch until he sat down right where I put the salt earlier. Is it possible that it was still a little concentrated there, so he drew in a bad 'breath' of salty water, which made him uncomfortable? He stopped now.

God. I'm so paranoid about this new fish.
I'm just guessing, but my vote goes on "all of the above"

I especially focused on "he looked a bit bloated." I lost a new oto from constipation. A pea could have saved him. I always look for that now.

I wondered about when they are shipped, they don't get exercise. Then they eat, and sometimes they get stopped up. Some pea or daphnia might help. I have seen some acclimation guides for bettas that instruct to wait 24 hrs to feed. My new bettas all ate like crazy right away. Then I looked and they all looked like porkers, so I waited a few hours and gave them all a pea, later I gave a little daphnia. They all had a good poop and looked better. And not a depressed soul in the bunch :p
Ok everyone - false alarm with the head twitch; I think I was right about the salt or some other irritation.

I'm glad to say that, with a water change, the added plants and cave, and smaller amount of water, he is zipping around happily this tank this morning, fins out, fighting with his neighbor, and of course begging for food. I think going from being in a cup your whole life, to suddenly being in 5 gallons is too much for some; he clearly needs a gradual transition.
I fed him a pea to sate his hunger; hopefully it'll help with that gut. Though honestly, from his body overall, he might just be a bit chunky ;) I looked him over thoroughly for an oviduct because he looked so "full figured." :rofl:
Did he eat some of the pea?

My little Cracker girl shook it, swam around with it, played toss with it, tore it apart. :rofl: She was so funny. But she ate quite a lot of it.

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