New pictures of 20 gal and 5 gal

nice tanks, are those cardinal tetras you have in the 20. what ever they are they look good in the tank.
wow, just got back from hols hence the late comment. :band: :drink: :- :hooray:

thank god for that i was really feeling for you on the BGA front. the first "present" pic looks beautiful, well done for keeping your head cool and struggling on with it. i would have binned the lot a while ago, awesome turnaround.

nice pics of the big tank as well. ;)
I like the way your java moss in the tank w/ tetra in it looks to be mashed, or flattened if you would. How do you do that and get it to stay looking flat?
Im having trouble keeping my moss spread thin.
nice tanks, are those cardinal tetras you have in the 20. what ever they are they look good in the tank.

Yes they are cardinals :) I've always wanted them from the start.

:*) thanks jimbooo :) I just hope its cleared from the 20 gallon. It's looking good at the moment. I shall get a pic up, but be prepared its hardly got any plants left :S

I like the way your java moss in the tank w/ tetra in it looks to be mashed, or flattened if you would. How do you do that and get it to stay looking flat?
Well I didnt go out of my way to get it like that, but now you mention it, I kept having my moss grow lots of black brush algae on it so I kepts pulling it off and throwing away, so every time I pulled it off all that really remained were the bits stuck to the wood. I guess thats why. But I spose if I leave it long enough it will go all bushy like again.

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