New Pics Splashluff Betta Girls

Yes, Andreeuh, that's Ms. Kinky. Say prayer for her.

They all are getting comfortable. Ms. Kinky is very friendly. #9 is hiding more, but she comes out at dinner time. She is where the filter is. I hung a big thick plastic plant from the top in front of the filter flow for her. She was very upset and aggitated when she first got in the tank. She was okay after I added the plant. Maybe her tail was bothered by the current too. #1 is coming out a lot to say hi and what's up?

They are lovely, gorgeous girls.
Yes, indeed, One can be Kinky withou being kinked. She looks good this morning, although I have so far only glanced. I noticed last night that her tail was straighter out. I really believe it was the currents now. I ordered some show vases from majesticbetta although I have not had a verification yet. I think she will be happier in a smaller home with less movement. I may make her my desk jockey. I don't have one.

I'm keeping all my digits crossed with my breath held.

The other girls are showing their color now and I can easily see the blue-green from the Emerald green. They need names. I will have to take more piccies. :hey:

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