New pics of the Tank.


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2003
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Come on, guys, i know the pictures aren't THAT good, but give me some nominations :(
I hope you can handle it- The pictures a quite big.

First- The whole tank


2- Some unkown plant. if someone knows what kind of plant this is- please tell me!


3&4- Ancistrus



5,6,7- Betta!




8- Cardinal

9- Kuhli

10,11,12- Shrimp



That's all for now.. Thanks!
That plant looks like a Junior Amazon Swordplant - I've got one struggling not to die in one of my tanks (I think it's winning, actually). It needs really high light levels and softer water, otherwise it starts bolting and making for the surface and gets really "leggy".
mmm, i know what Amazon Swordplant is .. And it doesn't look like that :|
Are you sure we're talking abou the same plant? I ment that light-green-almost-yellow plant..
LimpingFish said:
mmm, i know what Amazon Swordplant is .. And it doesn't look like that :|
Are you sure we're talking abou the same plant? I ment that light-green-almost-yellow plant..
Yep, that's the beastie (plantie?). Nothing like you're standard sized Amazon sword, I know. The Latin name is Echinodorus tenellus, also known as the Pygmy Chain Sword. I obviously don't know the scale, so if it's bigger it could be a bolted Dwarf Swordplant, Echinodorus quadricostatus. Looks almost identical to the thing growing in my tank, however, which is a Junior Swordplant.
I 1Xnomination that first picture of your betta for fish of the month and the tank to great job taking those pictures what kind of camera do you have it sure takes good pictures.All of those fish are beautiful you should be very proud I know I would be if they were mine.
Thanks! :D
The camera i got is Nikon coolpix 4300.

And Alien anna, could u post a picture of the junior amazon?
Anyway, i looked at pictures of the plants u gave the names of ,and none of them looks like mine.. :|
hey there :)
The bright green plant is Hygrophilia & the darker one in front of it looks like some kind of crypt maybe Cryptocoryne beckettii??
Your tank looks fantastic :thumbs:

I *think* he wants to know what the broad leafed plant BEHIND the hygro and crypt is........ it's a little hard to tell from the pictures... looks kind of what my lfs sells as a banana plant... or maybe some sort of anubias?
Thanks all!
I was talking about that light-green plant, which i found out was a Hygro.
WOW!!! :eek: Your betta is BEAUTIFUL!!! Where did you ever find one with those colors??? I have never seen one with so many different colors!!! Maybe I just haven't gotten out much, but to me, that is definately one of the prettest betta's I've seen!!!!
aernympha said:
1 x nomination for fish of the month for the khuli number 9 > its cute little pic!! :thumbs:
:fish: That one, the khuli, is my favourite too! Very natural looking. The whole tank is very natural looking. Great job, Limping fish!! :drink:

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