New Pics Of New Setup (some But Not Tooooo Many)


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2006
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Hey all, I think I have finally found the setup that will work, so yeah. here are the pics of my tank with...

newly painted background,
new light fixture... Jebo
new filtration.... RenaStarx 1.9
Rio 606 pump
Penguin 1140 pump
Renaxcel 100watt heater

and the supplaments (purchased before I knew exactly what was needed so just on hand if ever have heavy coral load or upgraded tank ect...
and the extra goodies......

and my wonderful companion doggie Rio (lol Ironic I know) who mearly puts up with all this moving around and commotion in the bedroom.
and and and (lol) My wonderful betta who is holding me over till I get my tank up and running... I couldnt live without a fish for a was too depressing so he's my budd

ite here we go....


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Just keep reminding me that computers make life easier LOL

Rio (my cocker Spaniel) and My betta


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lets try this again gurrrrr.....

My betta
and top of tank no sand


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Im breathing, keep breathing.... ok now deep breath... k... last one.....(talking to myself.... it will work itwill work it will work,,,,,, computers are a convienince... )
K.. here is the whole thingamabob.... hopefully.... I think.. think hope..... it worked sorry for all the scrolling and multiple posts just to get some pics up.. I will figure out this box of plastic sometime hopefully


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Looks good, a few words of advice...

First off, Jebo makes decent power compact fixtures (especially the smaller ones) and also decent metal halide fixtures. The rest of their products (skimmers, pumps, filters, etc) are junk so just dont make a habit of ordering them ;).

And second, I'd start considering right now how to get that light off of your top glass/acrylic. Reason being, those fixtures are pretty heavy and combined with the excessive heat from the lights, may cause the lid to fail over time. Also, the heat of having the fixture that close to the water may become an issue in the summertime. Not sure how handy you are with DIY projects, but that would be one to start with :)

Tank looks great though, keep the pics coming :D
Thanks for the advice for the Jebo products ehe..

I have been trying to find a way to get it off the lid... I cant find any legs that fit it (ti was supposed to come with legs but didnt work out that way I guess.. ebay gotta love it lol... I have had it elevated about an inch or so for a while but am trying to figure out a real soloution. because I was in a car reck and my car is no longer with us hehe.. I have had a hard time even making it from work and back. using my moms car and hitching a ride with her or my father depending on the day.. so Ive been trying to figure somthing out that i can order over the net but cant seem to figure anything out.. I can do DIY projects as long as it isnt to complicated I know nothing about wiriing which is why I didnt retrofit my nanocube light like I would have liked to.
sooooo Im kinda stuck between a rock and a shiny clear place LOL ok that was corny sorry....
so if you have any ideas I would be greatful to hear them!

ty for the advice!
Wait a second, hold the phone... After a second look, is the brace for the hinge point on the lid made of brass? If so, you're gonna want to not use the lid at all. Brass is 80% copper and you dont want copper leaching into your tank by accident if you plan to keep corals/inverts.
nope just good old non-harmfull plastic :)

not a metal thing in that tank.. made sure everything was plastic... I knew I wanted to to corals... you wont find me making simple of mistake... Ive done my research..... been studying reef tanks for over a year so no worries... just fine tuning for the spacifics of THIS tank is all the questions... cause as we know not all sw or reef tanks are created equal.. hehehe. so all good in that department.

as for getting the light off the glass versa-top :) I have been trying to figure out some sorta glass plate to stick as a cross brace on the tank its self a narrow something or other just to hold the edges of the fixture... so just likeyou said it wont sit right on the tank top itsself... I was thinkin wood... but to dangerous for me... dont want fire. fire bad... lack of water... lack of fishies hehe JK... I know im corny

anyway just tryin to figure out a good support to hold it in the air... dont want to susspend it cause parents dont want holes all over the place...
so still brain storming!

fun fun
Good to hear about the cover. Do you have access to saws or a dremmel tool, or some method to cut metal? I could envision a simple frame made out of stainless steel angleor perhaps some plexiglass. If getting to a home depot or lowes is tough for you, there's always Good prices and really fast shipping
Good to hear about the cover. Do you have access to saws or a dremmel tool, or some method to cut metal? I could envision a simple frame made out of stainless steel angleor perhaps some plexiglass. If getting to a home depot or lowes is tough for you, there's always Good prices and really fast shipping

Um a saw and maybe a table saw.. I think if my father hasnt given it away cause he never uses it lol

I just checked out that is exactly what I have been looking for! I was thinking either the pvc or the aluminum....

Ironicly enough I work directly next to lowes and havent had a second to even think about popping my head in I have enough time for rides and the car enough to get there (work) early (before lowes is even open) and get back to the car to get home so my mother can have it for her errands... Im convience free... I only have a hlf hour break for my lunch and that is about time to walk over and look at one aisle and walk back lol....

for TEMPORARY I just put my styrofoam packing pieces (what it was shipped to me in lol) on the ends so it at least has about 2" of hight off of the glass..... but obviously that isnt anywhere near long term... so I thinkI will see if I cant get something off that website you showed me... I had been looking for that exact type of website for about a week now lol... and hadnt found anything... Guess I just needed expert advice first!

thanks so much!!!!

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