Hello Again. New Tank Setup

Ok so almost done my setup.  First I list whats in it.
15 gallon tank
Fluval 106 canister filter
water heater
Whisper 20 with bubble curtain
live plants
7 zebra danios, 1 rummy nose tetra, 2 algae eaters
Went for a natural look so a couple rocks, piece of wood and a rock cave.  Just put the plants wherever.  Forget the names of them but two types.  One does excellent.  the other tall thin spiral one seems to struggle so I moved it to a new spot on the left side to see how it does.  May be because it needs to root and such and my other plants are older and have a strong root system.
I also added a pure black background.  Saw a guy on youtube that used acrylic with some type of black board (thinking foam core but he calls it something else) but anyways I was thinking why didn't he just use black plexi for the whoel thing since it can get wet, and is cleanable.  I got it cut so it was tight between the aquarium plastic frame and because the fluval intake and outtake have suctions cups also for the outside of the tank they stick to it and also hold the black plexi tight in place.  Cost was $20 but I figured easier then those vinyl  backgrounds that you need to tape on and rip and just get ugly over time.


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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/MpcD5K6F6eQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
K so couple more updates to my tank.  I ended up scooping a bunch of the white sand out leaving about half in, then I added a layer of my onyx sand I had from a previous tank that I showed previously.   The black sand is courser so I was also able to bury the bubble curtain in it.  Changed the bulb in the unit to a better plant bulb which isn't as bright as the daylight one and personally I like it better.  Also was part of the reason I wanted the black sand in so things would stand out more with this dimmer light.  I also added another piece of driftwood and took out the slate rock but used one of the pieces of slate rock buried a bit as a path at the doorway of my rock house formation.  Moved the plants around so that more coverage by the main log behind it and some smaller plants along front.  Also moved my spiral plants to more of the middle/front in which a new sprout in last two days since adding new bulb is coming up.
Anyways that's my latest update and just waiting on my blue leds which I got a timer for and only been running for like an hour each day at end of 10hour regular light session.


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Tank looks really great!
Added 3 more rummy nose to it since found another store that had them.  also added a bunch of erectus plant.
Also got my led lighting done in it,
I would post vid but no clue.  Wont attach.

Pic of the plant I added.  Not sure what the second leafy one is called.


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Also made a co2 generator.  Still working on tweaking the recipe.


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