New Pic Of My Mg Male


Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2007
Reaction score
well going to try and spawn the mg's again, this is the only decent pic I managed to get of either of them. Never have thought of a name for him or his gf either. what do you guys think?


well they are wrapping, but I havent seen any eggs fall yet, it has been a very very rough spawn so far, some for him some for her, so I am keeping a very close eye on them. I am hopeing to see eggs falling soon.
Aww hes soo cute. Dude name him Pong!!!

Very handsome...

dont tell him I said cute. :good:
Wow.....he certainly is a handsome boy!!!! I take it his gf is the one in your avatar? Definately worth trying again I think and good luck.....hope it goes better this time :good: :good:
Thank you :blush: yup his gf is the one in my av, except she has matured a bit more and is even more stunning looking. These two are my fav fishys.

its ok to call him cute...I called him far worse when the last spawn didnt go right. :)
Nice! both very pretty

I actually thought the one in your av was photoshopped, cause of the colours! Lol
nope he is the real thing,, i've seen him, gorgous, hows the other spawn going? i might have to steal a blue cambodian or two if all goes as planed!!!
I stated another thread about this cause I forgot about this one...duh. the girl beat the crap out of the boy and I think I may have 1 fertilized egg..ugghhhh.

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