New person with new bettas!

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Jun 13, 2005
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Hello everyone! Here's my situation. I went away to Seaside Heights in New Jersey this past weekend ( I live in New York ) and while I was there on the boardwalk my boyfriend won me two betta fishies on one of the games. I love these fish, as I've had one before which lasted two years when I was smaller, with no real knowledge, just a fishie in a big bowl with weekly water changes and flake food daily.

I'm older now, and my new fish were in pretty bad shape. They were in small dirty cups, packed under shelves. I didn't get to pick the fish. They would just show you a blue one and a red one and you would choose. The first one I got is Tony Pinchers he's dark dark blue with lines of red and lighter blue in his tail. The other is Charlie Prissy Pants, only because I thought he was a girl until I read up on Bettas, and learned other wise. I brought them home in cups, and placed them in seperate huge measuring cups for the night with fresh water, since I had nothing else. The entire night I read up on these fish, along with my mommy, and took in everything.

The next day we went to petsmart and bought two seperate one gallon tanks with a cover and a sizable hole for air, but not too big. We bough gravel, silk plants, and a little toy, a treasure chest ( because Tony Pinchers is mafioso and hes a made guy). Charlie Prissy Pants got smoothed down shells that I had and plants too. I picked up some water conditioner and aquarium salt. Along with betta bites and betta flakes.

When I got back to set everything up I examined my fishies. Tony was building a huge bubble nest but I noticed something odd with his fins. I'm pretty sure they are both veiltails, but still his fins looked ragged and some of the ends were clear. It looks like there might have been some fin rot, or some black around the edges. However on the clear ones, it looks like blue is coming in. I can't tell if theyre growing in or rotting away. How can I tell? Too be sure I'm going to do a 100% water change every other day and adding some aquarium salt. He's perfect otherwise and always greets me when I open the lid and all, and I've only had him for two days. He's also very macho in his flaring. I love him!

Charlie Prissy Pants is another story. When I got him he was laying towards the bottom of the cup and looked annoyed if anything bothered him. I thought it was just because he was cramped in there. He looked orangey at first but when i put him in his new tank, overnight he was a shade of vibrant red with blue specks on him as well as light blue streaks in his tail. He looked like a different fish, but acted the same. He tends to stay to the bottom, almost sideways, only going up for air or finding a more comfortable position. But when he goes up, he swims straight up and he looks like hes moving his tail so hard but hes not going so far. He only stays near the bottom but he always swims vertically and then just sinks to the bottom and lays down. He isn't bloated, hasnt got any weird spots on him, he eats like I do, and dosnt seem constipated. His tail is not rotted at all and looks wonderfully even, I want him to show it off so bad! It's been two days and he looks like hes moving more, and his tail looks looser and not clamped up like when I first got him. He dosnt flare alot, he usually puffs up his gills but not his tail, its as if he cant lift himself off the gravel. Sometimes he'll look and slide away, not interested. I'm worried.

I'm doing the same thing with him as I'm doing with Tony tomorrow, water changed every other day and salt. I also keep them both in my room, and it's always hot in here, so theyre definitely in the right temperature. I also made sure I had them adjusted to the water.

Can anyone think of whats wrong with Charlie? And what can I do! Also if anyone can answer my question with Tony and his fin rot, I would appreciate it so much! Even though I've only had these fish for two days, I love them and they've already shown me so much personality, I would hate to lose them or even have them get worse.

thanks in advance!
for charlie i would lower his water level a bit! so he is struggling to much to get to the air! and give him an airstone (or wand)

btw your bettas sounds lovely :) :clap: welcome to the sickness! your soon going to get more and more and more :drool: then your BF will want some :D hehe!

anyways thats all i can say for charlie! umm it sounds like tony is trying to grow back his tails! ... the black MAY be fin rot but it also may be his coloring :)
Also if it helps, Charlie keeps his top fin up, when he flares and sometimes when he lays down. I'm not sure if thats a good sign or not.
Is he laying on this on the bottom?


If so, then the problem seems to be bacterial infection related, and much success has been had with two fish now using Maracyn or Maracyn 2 (success has been had with both). Pictured is actually my fish Flop, who relapsed over a weekend, but was nearly cured before he relapsed.
Yes, Very much like that. The side lay with the head somewhat in the air but the top fin up high. I propped his silk plant up some, and hes already laying on it. He goes up for air and then lays right back down on it. I'm not sure If I will be able to get that medicine, since the nearest pet store is kinda far, and my mommy works. By thursday I will definitely be able to go, maybe sooner if I bother people. Do you think it could get dramatically worse by then?

I had to wait several days to get medication to treat Flop (it was coming in the mail), and he didn't worsen during that time.
Flop looks alot like Charlie, I hope he's okay. I also hope some of the petstores around me have Maracyn. -_-
If there is discoloration at the edges of Tony's fins it's fin rot, but the clear parts are new growth. A good med for fin rot is MelaFix, 2 drops per gallon, a tsp of salt per gallon, and sparkly clean water. Every other day like you are doing will be good. Charlie definatly sounds like he has a bacterial infection. He should be able to hang on untill you are able to get meds. Good luck with them though and welcome to the forum! Just watch out for multi tank syndrome. It comes on quickly and with no warning at all!
Haha. When I was in petsmart just getting my fishie supplies with my mom, I ran into the shelves where they had all the bettas. I screamed " Oh my god! I want them all!" and then my mom yelled at me. I'm gunna try to stay at two. But it's gunna be hard. Very hard.

I was the kid who brought EVERYTHING home to my mom and dad asking if I can keep it. I even tried to sneak a garden snake into my barbie's malibu home when I was about five. It worked until my older brother found it and cried.

Now my mom tries to get my new fishies to like her. But they freak out and hide and she gets mad. :lol:
Aw, I went to take out some water, and Charlie was so interested he came up and went to see what was going on and swam into my hand. At least now the tank is lower and he dosnt seem to be struggling to get to the top. Hes swimming up alot more now to the top to get air.
Well, that's good news!

I assure you, if it's the same thing that Flop has (and it probably is), then he's not suffering. He's a bit uncomfortable, and it's hard for him to get around, but, with Flop, there has never been any pain involved at all. He eats, flirts, and flares, and he doesn't mope around or act like he's in any pain.

Lowering the water level and giving them plants or other perches to sit on near the surface help make their lives easier, but they aren't suffering. They just LOOK like they are sometimes.
Aw, I went to take out some water, and Charlie was so interested he came up and went to see what was going on and swam into my hand. At least now the tank is lower and he dosnt seem to be struggling to get to the top. Hes swimming up alot more now to the top to get air.
now, that is nice to hear :nod: :) .
Well, I'm probably going to go searching tomorrow if I can for the proper treatments, I wanna see my Prissy Pants be happy! I can't wait to see him flare fully. I would place his tank a little closer to my other betta, but Tony thinks hes a shark right now and is skimming his top fin with the surface of the water then gets embarassed and swims away.

Oh this is gunna turn out to be a hopeless addiction. :D
Indeed, it is addicting.....I swore to myself I would only have one. I'm going out tomorrow to get #3,4 and maybe 5 if I can find a femme like I want to. =3

Betta just have the most wonderful personalities, huh?

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