New Pandas For Me


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Well with all this talking of Pandas,i couldn't resist any longer :lol:

Bought 3,very cute and mischievious and are settling in.

Will get a pic later :)

Just one query- they had 2 types of pandas,very large ones for £9 each or the ones i got were smaller £4 each or 3 for £10.
Didn't realise they came in different sizes(if you know what i mean)
coool, love pandas. here they are 2 quid each, but small
Hi Harlequins :)

I still love these little corys! :D

The size difference is probably due to age and maturity but be aware that there is a good bit of size difference between males and females. I just took these pictures of the group in my spawning tank so you can see how much larger the females can be.


Aw congrats hon, they are just babies! Wow Inchworm, that is an amazing difference between the male and females! Much more noticeable. What kind of size do yours average out at? Cant wait to see pics Harlequins!
Thats very surprising on the size difference,Fab pics Inchworm,they're great :good: :)
What kind of size do yours average out at?

Here's another picture of them. I hope this helps answer the question. Notice too that the female is much wider as well. You can see that by looking at the face of the one in the back.


I'll be looking forward to seeing pics of yours too, Harlequins. :)
Woooohooo ! These little guys are the best IMO. I just love them they are cute and really active. Hope yours spawn fo you.
Thanks for sharing again Inchworm, that is probably the first time I can easily distinguish! :good: Hope they are settling in well Harlequins xx
Well these little cuties are sooo active,they look even more mischievous than my other ones :lol:

They have settled in well :)

Here's some pics i snapped last night,i give the cories 2 broken up little sinking wafers at night,they seem to expect it now,has soon has the light goes off they know its wafer time,best time to get pics also :lol:

Sorry i got carried away snapping :rolleyes: ,some more pics here cory pics
they look great!

i think i'll get some for my new tank, do they shoal with the Leopards? cos i have 3 albinos and my sand looks exactly the same as yours and they look great.
Thanks :)

Yes they shoal with all the cories,so i'm sure they will be fine with albinos :good:
awesome! I have a date with some Cory's on Sunday then.

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