New oddballs

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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bunjiweb said:
Dwarfs .... Cool fish, although that gravel is rather nasty imho! lol, and yes, you need to get some algae scraper action going on with that glass!

Glolite ..... most plecs do absolutely fine with DPs... I have a BN plec with mine at the moment as it had been naughty and had a fight with my Syno Angelicus so i had to move him.

Remember, plecs are armoured catfish, they are pretty hardy against attack, so they wont take much from the DPs..

40L would house 3-4 DPs and a plec as long as the filtration is ok and weekly water changes done.

Thanks , It's one of his old tanks we now use for quarantining[ we have 3 such tanks ] new arrivals :p so for now the gravel stays , and the algae doesn't bother us or the fish :lol: , matter of fact they somehow hang on the sides and pick at it . :)

Next month they will be in a bigger tank with sand substrate , and yes ....algae . :whistle:

And there are areas of the glass that are free of algae , so we can monitor any visual signs of illness

Those DPs are about .5" , so small ATM hard to get pics of .
Congrats! I know you've been searching for dwarf puffers for a long time. :thumbs:

Those candy stripe gobies are very cool. Are you doing an all-goby tank?
Thanks everybody :D

Well, the tank is almost all goby, it has some keyholes, banjo cats, badis, and a croaking gourami in it, as well as the peacocks :) I'd love to find some FW bumblebee gobies for the tank too :nod:
Nice DP Dwarfs!!

And something else we have in common, I picked up 2 Badis Badis at the weekend :thumbs: , Think they are 2 male's but as they are tiny (1/2") its hard to tell. Would have got more but they were the only ones left.

jflowers said:
Nice DP Dwarfs!!

And something else we have in common, I picked up 2 Badis Badis at the weekend :thumbs: , Think they are 2 male's but as they are tiny (1/2") its hard to tell. Would have got more but they were the only ones left.

wow, very nice Dwarfs :thumbs:
nice goby too :nod:
and sorry for hi-jacking but, does anyone know the difference between a gudgeon and a goby?

Dwarf_Dude said:
wow, very nice Dwarfs :thumbs:
nice goby too :nod:
and sorry for hi-jacking but, does anyone know the difference between a gudgeon and a goby?

Thanks :)
Gudgeon or goby? I really don't know, all of the gobies that I've seen seem to like resting on the substrate or glass, and my gudgeons seem to prefer swimming -_-
I doubt that's a good answer to the question though :p
cool pics! im hopefully gettin a camera phone this week and will post some pics of my candy stripes when it arrives. those fish are so cool, can watch them for hours!!

i believe the main gobies/gudgeons difference is in the pelvic fins - candy stripes, bumblebees etc have fused pelvic fins and can stick to glass/rocks etc, but things like peacock "gobies" (which are gudgeons) dont have the ventral sucker formed by the fused pelvic fins
chris_1127 said:
cool pics! im hopefully gettin a camera phone this week and will post some pics of my candy stripes when it arrives. those fish are so cool, can watch them for hours!!

i believe the main gobies/gudgeons difference is in the pelvic fins - candy stripes, bumblebees etc have fused pelvic fins and can stick to glass/rocks etc, but things like peacock "gobies" (which are gudgeons) dont have the ventral sucker formed by the fused pelvic fins
Thanks, I guess I got part of the goby/gudgeon thing right :p
I hope my candy stripes color up, look at this one!

i'm still deciding whether to get a couple Dp's or a Gudgeon in my 10 when the Bichir moves out. the only DP i've seen was at petsm,art and it wasnt moving at all. Just staying exactly still in one spot so i didnt buy it.
Fishy411 said:
i'm still deciding whether to get a couple Dp's or a Gudgeon in my 10 when the Bichir moves out. the only DP i've seen was at petsm,art and it wasnt moving at all. Just staying exactly still in one spot so i didnt buy it.
If you mean peacock gudgeon, I think that would be the better choice than DPs (Peacocks are easier to maintain, and you can keep 4-6 in a ten gallon)
Nice tank and cute puffers!

I only have 1 suggestion, and that is to heavily plant (real or fake) the tank. This is to break up the line of sight for the puffers. They will enjoy the company of each other while young, but will eventually become may even take many months. How many are in there? I think I saw 2...but not sure! BTW, some have kept plecs and otos successfully with DPs, but as a rule of thumb, don't keep anything with puffers that you don't mind losing!
pnyklr3 said:
Nice tank and cute puffers!

I only have 1 suggestion, and that is to heavily plant (real or fake) the tank. This is to break up the line of sight for the puffers. They will enjoy the company of each other while young, but will eventually become may even take many months. How many are in there? I think I saw 2...but not sure! BTW, some have kept plecs and otos successfully with DPs, but as a rule of thumb, don't keep anything with puffers that you don't mind losing!
There are three, and I did my research last year so I have their tank planned out :p

Sand substrate, a lot of java moss, 6-7 terra-cotta pots, more java moss, and java ferns :D

If they become too aggressive, that won't be a problem because I have many small tanks on hand :D
Just making sure! I know that you would research them, and if you didn't, your dad would surely set you straight! :lol: I also saw the tank when you only had 1 fish in it and were patiently waiting for DPs.... :D

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