New Neons


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
Cambridgeshire, G.B.
The neons seem quite happy in their new environment. :)

One does look a little unusual. Rather than the smooth curve of the belly it seems to have an almost triangular bulge. Is this a problem? Could it be pregant? -_-

Also the complete pellet food I got to feed them with is rather large when it is soaked. The fish struggle to swallow them and hold them in their mouths then spit them out and try again. Are they going to eat enough if these pellets are too big? Surely I'm not going to have to cut up the food for the fish!

Answers on a postcard to.......
one of my neons also had a bulge on its belly, but it was gone in a couple of days. i guess it could have been the eggs if it was female. as for the food, why don't you feed them flakes? they seem to like them, i've never heard of giving pellets to neons so i don't know, sorry
The pellets were sold to me by the LFS were I got the neons from. I was told that they were better as they didn't sink too quickly. The size of them didn't occur to me at the time as the guy who sold them to me was holding the neons in his other hand and I assumed that they would be suitable.
I think I might go and get a pot of flakes in the week.
i feed my neons little pellets whos name i forget now ;-)
sounds like a japanese sort of name i think
anyway they often will take one in their mouth and spit it out and grab it again and spit and grab.
they float on the surface for a while before slowly sinking
though if you throw then at the surface they will sink straight away then there is a huge fish frenzy to try to catch them all (as i found out last night)
I was worried about my neons not being able to eat my pellets either. I tried crushing them but they seem happy enough to hold them in the front of thier mouths and the spit them out and catch them again.

My larger fish (although not necissarilary large fish) also do this with the frozen blood work and when they wold it in their mouths it looks as though they are smoking a pipe. :fun:

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