New Nano.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Fareham, Hampshire

I finially started my Nano tank,

Its been going about 2 weeks with just live sand, 3 x powerheads + a rotating powerhead incorporating internal filter and a very large protein skimmer (not removing anything yet), plus a 30w light over a 7 gal tank.

I decided to add some live rock this weekend.
I am normally a planted tank freak so I want to do a Nano with Macroalgae, lagoon style until I was satisfied it was stable enough for some hardy soft corals. I went to my LFS and selected (to start me off) 4 kilos of live rock. It was ex display rock from their main display tank which they had rearranged. Some of it is covered in beautiful Feather Caulerpa, but the other chunks had what I thought looked like very attractive emerald green 'blob' algea, which I have now read is a Cluster Type Bubble Algae. :crazy: I have now read this stuff is BAD in a tank as it spreads like crazy.

So my questions are:

If I want to get rid of it/control it (and there is LOADS) should I use Mithrax crabs? Plus given the fact there is enough bubble algae to feed a large army of mithrax crabs for about a century :blush: will I be able to get some hermits, turbos as well without them being on the menu and will the Mithrax eat the Feather Caulerpa?


Does the dreaded bubble algea consume Nitrates?

I had the lights off on the tank for about 3 hours and then went hunting with a torch and OH MY GOD the rock has some wildlife! Tiny little brittle worms, little Molluscs, tube worms, little grey shrimpy things and loads of Copepods, its quite literally teaming with life. (sorry I am all excited) :hyper:

But getting back on topic anyone have any advice?
You wanna get that algae out as much as you can manually, start siphoning it. Also, i wouldnt rely on animals to control it for you. In my own experience, snails do the best job of cleaning algae. Hermits dont really do much towards algae munching...they'll get down on green hair but not much else.
You wanna get that algae out as much as you can manually, start siphoning it. Also, i wouldnt rely on animals to control it for you. In my own experience, snails do the best job of cleaning algae. Hermits dont really do much towards algae munching...they'll get down on green hair but not much else.

Its not siphoning off, its pretty attrached to the rock, its even difficult to pull off, plus there is about 2 sq ft of the stuff. :unsure:
Use a tooth brush with one hand and siphon with the other.

I tried 'brushing' the algae off and it's like trying to brush hard chewing gum of a shoe with a deep tread... this stuff is determined to stay and oh my god bristle worms!

As it's only an 8 gallon tank siphoning the water drains the tank too fast, I also need a third hand to hold the rock down while I scrub. I take it I should do this with the rock out of the tank so when I pop the bubbles the algae spores don't just repopulate the tank.

Nano tanks are fun! lol :lol:
Bubble algae is not as aggressive in the short run as you would think but over time, it CAN carpet the rocks. What I have found that removes is best from the base is..if you can get it ...a 'curette'..or....a deep sharp-edged spoon like the ones used to hold tea leaves. Best yet..if you can pull the rocks out and scrape them off out of the tank and give them a SW rinse.

Bubble algae is not as aggressive in the short run as you would think but over time, it CAN carpet the rocks. What I have found that removes is best from the base is..if you can get it ...a 'curette'..or....a deep sharp-edged spoon like the ones used to hold tea leaves. Best yet..if you can pull the rocks out and scrape them off out of the tank and give them a SW rinse.


I def class this as well and truly carpeted the rocks, the spoon sounds like an excellent idea. Although to me it looks pretty, (little tiny emerald bubbles) I would like to have some nicer organisms on the rocks.

Plus any one know of a really good book to identify commonly found creatures that come in on LR. There are the coolest tiny creatures in the tank, the newest I found is a little wormy thing, moves like a super fast bristle worm but is very smooth about an inch long but only 1mm wide is black and white striped with a purple head…so cool!

Thank you every one for your help.

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