New Nano Reef!


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Hi! I'm new and I joined the fourm to get some info! I've been working with freshwater all my life and I recently decided to create a nano reef to expand my horizions so to speak. If anyone could give me some advice on how to set one up? I would really appreciate it! I want to buy a 5 gallon so I can put it on my desk. Could someone tell me a good filter, heater, etc.? Thanks!
one important piece of advice.
Read everything , twice, then use the knoweldge you've gained to make your own decitions on what will work for you.
5 gallons is harder than a larger volume of water but not impossable if you go slow .
I myself am a newbie only starting my first salt tank in Januarry (125 gallons) but I since have also started a 5 gallon tank that is doing just fine after three months . There is nothing spectacular in there yet just alot of LR , LS , a camel shrimp some snails a domino damsel and a pincushion sea urchin, and reciently some pods started showing up.
Do regular 5% water changes weekly to controll water quality, and be sure to top off for evaporation every 2 to 3 days and you should be fine.
Just looking at your sig StingrayKid - Is that a Teacup Ray in your 30 Gallon tank? How big is your ray to fit in there?
Ho Eelzor! I'm not sure if you've seen my latest post on my topic on Teacups, but yes, I do keep him in there because of his size. He's only 5 inches long! I beleive he can live in there because he will only get 8 inches long. I'm not sure on his species yet though, but I'll try to keep you posted. The info you were looking for is on the Teacup post. :nod:
StingrayKid, for all the info you will need and more head over to There are tons of people with 5 gal nanos there, with pretty much step by step procedures to start your tank. Awesome site.

On a side note, how come Navarre hasn't responded here?!?!?! I always see his posts as the first response to almost every thread. :lol: He's quick on the response. :rofl:
impur said:
On a side note, how come Navarre hasn't responded here?!?!?! I always see his posts as the first response to almost every thread. :lol: He's quick on the response. :rofl:
Well to be honest i did read this post fromthe start but i didnt fell qualified to give an answer to be honest. :*)

I dont have a Nano reef (my smallest tank is about 35 UK gallons). I have setup a Nano for a friend of mine but as for maintaining it i really dont have much experience.
More importantly, i am aware that many of the members here are fromthe US (or at least out of UK) so when questions are asked on specific brand names etc then i tend to not reply as most of the time have never heard of these names etc :p

Its true i love to reply to posts but i only try to reply to posts thati have had some experience with etc. On this occasion i felt it was better to let someone with more experience to answer :p :D
Navarre said:
impur said:
On a side note, how come Navarre hasn't responded here?!?!?! I always see his posts as the first response to almost every thread. :lol: He's quick on the response. :rofl:
Well to be honest i did read this post fromthe start but i didnt fell qualified to give an answer to be honest. :*)

I dont have a Nano reef (my smallest tank is about 35 UK gallons). I have setup a Nano for a friend of mine but as for maintaining it i really dont have much experience.
More importantly, i am aware that many of the members here are fromthe US (or at least out of UK) so when questions are asked on specific brand names etc then i tend to not reply as most of the time have never heard of these names etc :p

Its true i love to reply to posts but i only try to reply to posts thati have had some experience with etc. On this occasion i felt it was better to let someone with more experience to answer :p :D
Its all good, was just messin' with ya! Do you have pics of your tank? I don't think i've ever seen any :unsure:
Are those red fish in the background Lyretail Anthias?

Awesome tanks BTW :thumbs:
Thanks :)

Yeah they are Lyretails. (Pseudanthias squamipinnis)
I want a few more females at the moment as they look stunnnig as a small shoal. BUt more importantly is more live rock for the larger tank. I really need to increase my bioload before putting another 3 or 4 females in. Lovely fish though, i have had the male about 8 months and the females for about 5 months.

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