New Nano Reef Start-up

Sounds good :thumbs: Look forward to pics :D

With feeding, i just add small amounts at a time and make sure everything is being eaten. When they stop chasing it around i add one or 2 extra pieces for nass's/hermits.


Will try that - just dropping a very small amount in and see how they go - at least they are eating

Edit to add a couple dodgy pictures - bit tired as daughter was awake at 5am asking if she could "go downstairs and see the 2 nemo's" :lol: thats my excuse for crap picy's.


Looking very cute there mj. How cute is your daughter though:
bit tired as daughter was awake at 5am asking if she could "go downstairs and see the 2 nemo's" laugh.gif
:wub: Cant wait til i have kids.
Looking very cute there mj. How cute is your daughter though:
bit tired as daughter was awake at 5am asking if she could "go downstairs and see the 2 nemo's" laugh.gif
:wub: Cant wait til i have kids.

Yeah kids are great. Weird now walking into our LFShops and have a 3 1/2 yr old naming the fish in the tanks as we walk along - every plec is a "bristle nose" though :lol:

we have another due august 25th - so im sure waking at 5am then will seem like a luxury again :p
She better know the baensch marine aquarium atlas back to front before she is 5 or I will be dissapointed... ;)

Looking good! Nice to see some TRUE percula clowns rather than the false ocellaris!


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