New Nano - Identification Time


New Member
Aug 13, 2006
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Hey All,

on the weekend i picked up all things needed to begin my nano!

48 hours into the live rock being in there and a few random things have started to occur.

Before i get to that the tests are as follows as at the 48 hour mark.

PH 7.8
Ammonia 1.0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
S.G 1022

It appears i have quite a few little worms going on some that look like garden variety but skinnier
and some pictured that i think may be bristle worms?
(excuse the photos they were taken off my mobile phone)

I also have a few little singular polyp looking things that dissapear and come out when they feel like it.

there were also some type of coral on the LR when i bought it and it looks like its slowly coming back to life
any ideas what it could be?

But something that was pretty crazy happened last night, is that near that coral it appears to look like
a spiders web, or some sort of cocoon like material. is this some sort of crazy algae?

I have no idea, please help in identifying

Thanks in advance for your help,

after the tank has cycled and the PH is in the right range and everything is looking ok
ill get the cleanup crew in action and then some fish,

will keep it posted.

Bristleworms, palythoas, and a type of sponge :). That little green algae is Halimeda :)
Bristleworms, palythoas, and a type of sponge :). That little green algae is Halimeda :)

nice! thanks for your help, if its a sponge its a weird one, it came up overnight. I'll try and take better
pics from a real camera. it seems to be in a few other places on the rock aswell.

last night if found lots of other little worms (bordering on too many maybe 10 all up so far)
and a starfish that looks very bristley aswell!

live rock is the best!


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