New Member!


New Member
Oct 21, 2018
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Hello! I am coming to Fish Forums from another forum that I was not all that happy with. I am hoping the community here is more welcoming and accepting. Now to introduce myself and my tanks :)

My name is VeiltailKing (I do not feel comfortable announcing my real name) but I often just go by Veiltail or Veil. My age is to remain unannounced too lol Um.... I have 3 small tanks. One is a 2.5 gallon heated and filtered tank that has been set up since late 2017. This tank holds a single male Veiltail betta and one nerite Snail. My next tank is a tall 6 gallon heated and filtered tank that I hope to turn into a shrimp tank. It has been set up since late 2017. My last tank is my 29 gallon heated and filtered planted community tank. This tank consists of one baby angelfish, one EBR, 9 Rummynose tetras, one baby albino bristlenose pleco, and one young female betta.

That is pretty much all about me! Nothing too interesting.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

I don't recommend anyone put their surname or birthdate on anything online due to security reasons. First name and year of birth is fine if you like but even that is not needed.

From a security perspective, I looked on facebook and there is so much personal information on there it is a bad person's delight. So the less personal info you put online, the safer you are. :)
Welcome to the forum I’m fairly new here myself [emoji4]

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Welcome. I think you’ll like this forum. Very nice group so far.

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