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Jan 12, 2016
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hello, new to the fish forum. fairly new to the fish keeping hobby but am LOVING it. I have two tanks so far, going to be upgrading soon as i have some fairly big fish once they reach adult age and plus would like more variety haha.

So far, I have a 30gal with a parrot fish(cpt shiny-sides) one 3 spot gourami(grumpy) a rainbow shark(flip/flippy, all she does is flip!),
yes, i have checked parameters, nitrates, nitrtes all of it, all other fish are fine she just likes to flip. a very impressionable lil thing IMO.
My two favorite two clown loaches(thing one and thing two. i call them this because i have a sumatran and borneo loach.) and haha a guppy. he thinks hes a shark... lol we call him jaws. we have a few moss balls, couple ferns and caves and logs

My other tank is a 10gal, which only houses cory cats I have 3 emerald corys, and one albino, i do plan on introducing some ghost shrimp into this tank as i have been reading corys get a long with anything. I really like how they look(the shrimp, that is). any comments( other than the obvious. NEED A BIGGER TANK) if you feel you need to go ahead.

Welcome to the forum, we hope you'll enjoy being part of the community.
Erm, yeah, you need bigger tanks. Clown loaches grow huge, and need to be in a group of 5 or more to really relax. The problem with having potentially large fish in small tanks, with plans to upgrade is that, with the best will in the world, sometimes money needs to be spent elsewhere, and the upgraded tanks sometimes never get bought - leaving the fish struggling in tanks that are too small for them. I'm not saying that will happen in your instance, but I've seen it happen so many times previously.
Welcome. :)
LM is right, and I'd advocate doing a lot of reading and research before buying any fish.  It'll save problems and heartache in the future for sure!  Most of us have been there at one point or another.
Hey thank you, and look forward to spending more time on here.

I understand fully where you both are coming from. It has been put off at least a month over :(. Tax time is soon. And so is a big tank!. I did have 3 loaches. did frequent water changes and bought 50gal filter with live plant. Our parrot tore up our other java fern They are all very happy(at least watching them and reading up on them they seem happy and not in distress)

None the less, yes i have been reading and continue to read up. I didnt want the fish at first but after seeing how much personality and life(specifically the loaches) have i have come to make them my friends. So i do indeed plan on taking the best care for them.
I have only lost two fish, one due to my own error, the other bushy nose pleco(in my 10gal with the normal filter.) got stuck to the filter i felt horrible for both of them.
I still dont know where i went wrong with mama loach she had a small cut. I believe i accidently gave to her doing a water change, and adding TO much water my filter couldnt properly airate the water she kept swimming up at the top, by the time i noticed the mistake she had greyed out and was resting at the bottom. She died moments later.(All the other fish were ok)

I have read they are very sensitive lil guys. Both my loaches show bright orange and black. From what ive read thats good, right?

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