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New Member
Apr 29, 2007
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Hi ive been a memeber for a while nw (samuk pointed me in this direction) but never really did any posting, recenlty change my tank over to real plants been doin abit of readin on here and got a co2 yeast based system of ebay and do dosings of seachem flourish n excel

link to pics

All comments are welcome

cheers Billy
Need to ditch the airstone during the day, it'll drive off the CO2 you are adding so you'll not get any benefit from it.
A good start :) one comment, the plants with the white edges are non-aquatic, best remove them now before they die and pollute your tank :)


PS - aren't real plants a millions times better than plastic? I love the look real plants give to a tank :)
little update some new pics cant believe how much growth ive had and diff it looks, am constantly trimming the throwing away plants lol


why don't you remove the plastic carpet plants and try real? echindorous tennulus (dwarf amazon sword) it grows about up to 5cm and it is similar to a hair grass.
And me being a picky so and so, remove that blue background and replace it. The air bubbles trapped under it are driving me mad. lol

And me being a picky so and so, remove that blue background and replace it. The air bubbles trapped under it are driving me mad. lol


same here, i used to have blue, took it off after 4 days, a black or rock background looks good, shows the plants up very well

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