*new Member, New Tank, New Fish*

tank looks great but its not only the guppy ratio thats off its the platys too, you have 3 pairs, again its best to have 2 females per male, i would suggest returning the females, both platy and guppy to avoid futher overstocking due to the large amounts of fry they have every 4 weeks or so.
the bettas fins look a little tatty, do any of the other fish bother him at all?

as above...i will separate once i have the second tank set up but for now they seem happy enough although i do have 3 males and 7 female platy's :/ look at the numbers

my betta's fins have always been tatty because the place i bought him from kept him in a tank with other fish which must have nipped his tail then. its only the shark which bothers him and im more bothered about the shark being hurt than the betta....i'll seperate.
With the tetras you will know which ones are male and females once they have settled in and grown a bit the females will be alot 'fatter' when filled with eggs and have a slightly more rounded body shape.

I think to sex the plec you have to wait till its an adult, take it out the water to examine its 'bits' closely...

The apple snails you cant really tell unless you see them breeding, the male has a pretty obvious penis.

Not sure about the corydoras, I know females generally get a bit bigger and rounder just like the tetras...but I've never really botherd sexing my corys so I'm not sure. I know that with some species it's very clear and the markings and fins can be different, but I don't think this is obvious with Corydoras panda :unsure: .

I'd ask in the corydoras forum.

I don't know about the shark either, I'd guess it would be similar to the tetras - with the females having rounder bodies, but without any fish to compare you wouldn't be able to tell if it was a female or a well-fed male.
With the tetras you will know which ones are male and females once they have settled in and grown a bit the females will be alot 'fatter' when filled with eggs and have a slightly more rounded body shape.

I think to sex the plec you have to wait till its an adult, take it out the water to examine its 'bits' closely...

The apple snails you cant really tell unless you see them breeding, the male has a pretty obvious penis.

Not sure about the corydoras, I know females generally get a bit bigger and rounder just like the tetras...but I've never really botherd sexing my corys so I'm not sure. I know that with some species it's very clear and the markings and fins can be different, but I don't think this is obvious with Corydoras panda :unsure: .

I'd ask in the corydoras forum.

I don't know about the shark either, I'd guess it would be similar to the tetras - with the females having rounder bodies, but without any fish to compare you wouldn't be able to tell if it was a female or a well-fed male.

great advice thanks

Was feeding the fish just the other day n saw something moving in one of the plants... :unsure:

After further investigation I found the cutest little baby ever :hyper: god knows how it survived it the tank for so long but looks a good few week old to me.

Can already sex it, its a girl and has black tail n fins with light orange coloured body. I called it Fred before I looked at the sex lol she is great, comes out mainly at feed time but she is getting braver by the day

Its defo a platy but not sure who its parents are, dont think its a mickey ?!

Anyway here is a pic... :good:

PS- was a nightmare tryna get a good pic!

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