*new Member, New Tank, New Fish*


New Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Hi, ive been a member for a while but not bothered to put any pics on... :rolleyes:

so here it is, i recently had a power failure which resulted in majority of my fish dying :sad:

i took the oppourtunity to revamp my tank and restocked it with lots of new fish :good:

in my tank i have a mix of plastic and living plants some bogwood and pot ornaments with small blue gravel

1 x Orange baby Platy - M
2 x Yellow Mickey Platy - F
4 x Sunset Platy - F
1 x Gold Mickey Platy - F
1 x Blue Mickey Platy - M
1 x Orange Mickey Platy - M
8 x Assorted Fancy Guppies - M
4 x Assorted Guppies - F
5 x Silvertip Tetras - ?
1 x Pleco - ?
1 x Purple/Red Betta - M
1 x Rainbow Shark - ?
1 x Panda Cory - ?
1 x Silver Sailfin Molly - M
1 x Oange Molly - F
1 x Speckled Molly - F
2 x Golden Apple Snails - ?

If anybody knows how to sex the unknown fish i'd like to know :nod:

Heres some pics of my tank please let me know what you think of it

Any comments are welcome


















Nice looking tank but the ratio of male to female guppies seems a bit off, the ratio should be 3 (minmum of 2) females to every 1 male, you have it reversed.
ive just measured the tank and it measures H40cm x D30cm x L80cm i dont know what gallon/litres that is???
i do realise that i need more female guppies but when i bought my male guppies the aquarium was all out of females so i went to the next aqaurium and they was all out too but they had some beautifull snakeskin guppies which i had to buy! :rolleyes:

Thats a nice tank. Good mixing of species. Gr8 stocking.

i just went for colourful fish really...i think i made a mistake with the shark as it nips my guppies and betta :no:

How is your betta with the gupps??? does he attack them or is he ok? I only ask as I am thinking on getting a betta myself

How is your betta with the gupps??? does he attack them or is he ok? I only ask as I am thinking on getting a betta myself

my betta doesnt bother with any other the other fish but i guess it all depends on the character of your betta....just like humans -_-

it does like to chase the shark every now and then.
ive just measured the tank and it measures H40cm x D30cm x L80cm i dont know what gallon/litres that is???
i do realise that i need more female guppies but when i bought my male guppies the aquarium was all out of females so i went to the next aqaurium and they was all out too but they had some beautifull snakeskin guppies which i had to buy! :rolleyes:

Thats a nice tank. Good mixing of species. Gr8 stocking.

i just went for colourful fish really...i think i made a mistake with the shark as it nips my guppies and betta :no:

40cm x 30cm x 80cm = 96,000 cm^3 then divide by 1000 for 96 liters. That converts to 25.4 gallons.

The first two shots look great, but there's a few pics like the last one that shows how overstock it is.
Looks as if:

a- You're feeding your betta way too much.
b- It has dropsy.

Probs feeding it too much, what is dropsy :huh:

The Pictures are missleading....i was feeding the fish as i was taking pictures so nearly all the fish are grouped in one corner, i think i have filled the tank to the max but its just right,
there is no fighting and they all seem peaceful ;)
"Dropsy" is really more a symptom than a disease, it's when the body of a fish swells up, and the scales stick out sort of like a pinecone. When your fish is that sick that it puffs out, it's typically too late to do anything about it.

On the plus side, I don't really think he has dropsy. I think that the scales on this betta are just more obvious, perhaps bright red on a blue background (which would make him purple as you described). Most fish suffering from dropsy are lethargic and don't want to eat. I saw him at the top of the aquarium in one picture and at the bottom in another, which tells me he's probably mostly ok. He may however be constipated. I would recommend separating the betta for a while, and feeding him a pea. Do a search for how to do this best, I don't want to tell you the wrong thing.

All in all, I think you're at the limit to somewhat overstocked. You might want to get a 10 gallon for potential overflow, especially if the gender balance of the guppies starts to become a problem.
Nice fish...'colourful' tank ;).

Though the red tail black shark is actually a rainbow shark, either one would be a bad option anyway - as you see to have noticed. They get quite a bit bigger and get more aggressive with age.
Betta looks nice an healthy to me, though he's more red than purple :p. edit: though as said peas would be a good idea if you don't see him poop

Once all of those fish have grown, that it's going to be a bit cramped in there...I'm not sure the weak juwel filter could take it.
Especially the plec (which looks to be a gibbiceps from the pic)...I take it you know how big they get and have plans for him in the future? :)
tank looks great but its not only the guppy ratio thats off its the platys too, you have 3 pairs, again its best to have 2 females per male, i would suggest returning the females, both platy and guppy to avoid futher overstocking due to the large amounts of fry they have every 4 weeks or so.
the bettas fins look a little tatty, do any of the other fish bother him at all?
"Dropsy" is really more a symptom than a disease, it's when the body of a fish swells up, and the scales stick out sort of like a pinecone. When your fish is that sick that it puffs out, it's typically too late to do anything about it.

On the plus side, I don't really think he has dropsy. I think that the scales on this betta are just more obvious, perhaps bright red on a blue background (which would make him purple as you described). Most fish suffering from dropsy are lethargic and don't want to eat. I saw him at the top of the aquarium in one picture and at the bottom in another, which tells me he's probably mostly ok. He may however be constipated. I would recommend separating the betta for a while, and feeding him a pea. Do a search for how to do this best, I don't want to tell you the wrong thing.

All in all, I think you're at the limit to somewhat overstocked. You might want to get a 10 gallon for potential overflow, especially if the gender balance of the guppies starts to become a problem.

ive watched the betta and he seems to be eating and pooing just fine...maybe hes just fat?

i have already got a 10 gallon tank which is not set up yet. I had it for my Blue lobsters which also died with the power failure :angry:
Nice fish...'colourful' tank ;).

Though the red tail black shark is actually a rainbow shark, either one would be a bad option anyway - as you see to have noticed. They get quite a bit bigger and get more aggressive with age.
Betta looks nice an healthy to me, though he's more red than purple :p. edit: though as said peas would be a good idea if you don't see him poop

Once all of those fish have grown, that it's going to be a bit cramped in there...I'm not sure the weak juwel filter could take it.
Especially the plec (which looks to be a gibbiceps from the pic)...I take it you know how big they get and have plans for him in the future? :)

is it a rainbow shark for definate because this means my aquarium has the wrong sign on the tanks??? :/

my betta is probs more red than purple...it is very dark though, what can i do to make him brighter?

my local aquarium are willing to swap large plecs/fish for juvenile fish :good:

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