Fish Fanatic
hello all, my name is robin and im both new to this forum and new to marine aquariums.
I used to have a fresh water but regretted it straight away as always wanted marine.
now im starting my marine aquarium and i just have a few questions if i may.
i have a fluval 120 tank wich is about 25gl.
came with an internal filter but have just got an external neo 301.
i have put in the correl gravel, fake plants (which im not sure will stay there) a few ornaments and filled with water as directed on the red sea salt pacxkaging.
has been running for only 3 days so dont expect to be able to put anything in it for some time.
i need to get new lighting and have read so many different things about what to go.
can any one advise.
i would like to get a little live rock and have a fowlr (is that the correct term) tank. in otherwords fish, invers, live rock.
i got some fake plants that are suposed to glow under black or 50/50 lighting but i read these are not good for fish.
gosh i have so many questions i dont know where to start.
ill try here.
what lighting do i need to get for a fish and live rock tank?
any thing to look for in live rock?
what are the best fish to get as a starter to mature the tank?
also another question is since i put salt water in ther tank, i appear to have a constatnt drop down one corner from under the hood (which is above the water line).
is my tank leaking or is it just condensation?
thanks all and please be gentle with me, lol
I used to have a fresh water but regretted it straight away as always wanted marine.
now im starting my marine aquarium and i just have a few questions if i may.
i have a fluval 120 tank wich is about 25gl.
came with an internal filter but have just got an external neo 301.
i have put in the correl gravel, fake plants (which im not sure will stay there) a few ornaments and filled with water as directed on the red sea salt pacxkaging.
has been running for only 3 days so dont expect to be able to put anything in it for some time.
i need to get new lighting and have read so many different things about what to go.
can any one advise.
i would like to get a little live rock and have a fowlr (is that the correct term) tank. in otherwords fish, invers, live rock.
i got some fake plants that are suposed to glow under black or 50/50 lighting but i read these are not good for fish.
gosh i have so many questions i dont know where to start.
ill try here.
what lighting do i need to get for a fish and live rock tank?
any thing to look for in live rock?
what are the best fish to get as a starter to mature the tank?
also another question is since i put salt water in ther tank, i appear to have a constatnt drop down one corner from under the hood (which is above the water line).
is my tank leaking or is it just condensation?
thanks all and please be gentle with me, lol