Fish Fanatic
Just yesterday I picked up a beautiful purple male betta for a 20gal heavy planted tank. The betta looks very healthy. he was purchased from a tank full of some schooling fish and not in a cup. the other occupants of the tank are 8 platies and 3 otos. I acclimated the betta for a long time before instertion as my ph is very low due to pressurized co2. I had him sitting in a container of the lfs's water and I slowly with a droplet I added my water for about 30 min. The temp was exact on each end. He seems all happy - he ate the two or three betta droplets I threw him. He explores the tank but sometimes when he sees the platies he will chase them slighly and flare up. I have 7 teenagers (unknown sex) and one male adult platy. the betta chases the male adult like crazy all over the tank untill the platy hides real good and betta looses him. I thought bettas would be ok in a tropical setup like this without harrasing other occupants.
Would it be wise to keep him in this setup? Or should I return him?
am: 0ppm
nit: 0ppm
nate: 10ppm
ph: 6.6
kh: 4 degrees
co2: 30ppm
phos: 1ppm
temp: 79-82 F
Would it be wise to keep him in this setup? Or should I return him?
am: 0ppm
nit: 0ppm
nate: 10ppm
ph: 6.6
kh: 4 degrees
co2: 30ppm
phos: 1ppm
temp: 79-82 F