new layout, 12G & 40G

it started out as a Riccia carpet. woven around a plastic mesh with lead strips woven through to sink it.


after 2 months i had so much breaking off i left it to float and matt together. last weekend i took 5 "slabs" of matted floating riccia, laid it over some driftwood and wrapped it a few times with lime green cotton thread.



not bad from 4 small pots i bought 3 months ago (theres at least £70 worth now)
very, very nice....that riccia effect following the contours of the driftwood is probably one of the most natural effects i've seen yet in a planted tank...congrats
and the best comment i've had yet, thanks it took a couple of hours of filddling to get it right so thanks for the pat on the back. means a lot as the misses isn't the slightest bit interested. ha ha.
Tell me about it, im getting immune to " Do you have to do that there" - yea like i'll drag the tanks out side.
Jimbooo! Wow!! Your tanks look great. I especially love the 12 Gallon. Is it really only 12 gallons? It looks bigger in the pics. I love the...riccia? I just have to get some. You've inspired me and got me thinking about ideas for my tank. (once I have the algae sorted :()
thanks hondour, you'll get there in the end. try not to let the algae bother you too much. have you tried starving your fish??

i only feed mine every other day with the tinyest ammount of flake and the odd bloodworm treat.

you wont believe me though if i say my angelfish eats algae constantly, rips off big tufts and chews it down in no time, closely followed by my Boesmani rainbows.

the otto's and plec dont touch anything apart from spot algae

if theres no food they have to eat something!!! just a thought
I tried to starve them! For about a week I only fed them every other day, but I couldn't bare it! I did notice my guppies were eating the algae. They were constantly pecking at the plants.

But I worry more for my cories. I've never seen my botia eat.

I'm willing to give it a go again if people can reassure me they won't starve! I just feel so guilty!
answer this to feel better.

how many people throw food in rivers for the fish to eat?

exactly, they wont starve. the guppies may nibble at your plants but it'll grow back.

as to the cories, they constantly snuffle in the gravel and suck up tiny food particles. they'll be fine.

try one pinch of food every other day for about a month, you should see a major difference and the fish will be better for it anyway. (they'll use up excess body fat)

the plec in my sig has one algae wafer a month!!!!!

all the small fish eat the flakes from the surface and none sinks the plec has to make do with wood. Mmmmm tasty :sick:

he's healthy as ever and been in the tank just over a year.
Wow this stuff is amazing! Mine looks so weak compared to that..but then again I only have 1 betta. How much would it cost to get something like that for a 5 gallon? It looks real nice. Like dentist office nice!

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