New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

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Mostly New Member
Jul 4, 2014
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I Am new to fish keeping and today took delivery of components for my tank. Test Kit, Heater, Filter, substrate etc. I was going to setup tonight and begin the cycle process however.
I have just found out The 30 Litre tank I have acquired might have a fault with the hood(so light wont work) if this is the case I will give it back and have the chance of buying a 60Litre.
This obviously opens up a change in what I stock. I previously posted in the Betta Board and had settled on a male betta and snail with the possibility of couple shrimp.
If i go with a 60 Litre I guess I could stock corys with a betta? what other options could there be. Im also looking at live plants if this helps. I do like the look of bettas but will consider stocks which exclude.
Plecs are my favourite but I don't have the space to house a tank big enough yet.
Any Help/Suggestions greatfully recieved
Hi Filth, welcome to the forum. You've sure come to the right place for any questions you have. Glad to see you're planning on cycling first, well done!
I started with a 60L tank as well (Juwel Rekord 600), it's not huge but it's a good size to start with as it's easy to maintain if you're just starting out. It would be perfect for a betta and some of the larger species of shrimp (amano, bamboo) but not the smaller ones, they're likely to be eaten, especially shrimplets. Of course, it can depend entirely on the betta itself, you could strike it lucky and get one that doesn't give a monkeys...or you could get a mental one that will hate just about every other tank inhabitant. 
I would certainly recommend upgrading to the 60L from 30L, now. The bigger the better! Some might consider a 30L tank as just a bit bigger than a micro which limits your stocking quite drastically. One betta and a few shrimp (and snails) but that would be it. If you weren't dead set on the betta you could have some of the much smaller species, again though, 30L isn't an ideal size as while some species of fish are small - Celestial Pearl Danios, some tetras, chilli rasbora, endlers etc they still need space to move as they can be active. Add to that the fact that some of them are shoaling fish and require to be in quite large groups in order that they are happy.
If you go for 60L, you will have a few more options on stocking. If it's any consolation, your stocking list will change a bagillion times by the time your finished cycling, so do your research and have a look at the type of water you have in your area as well - that might make some of the stocking decisions for you or certainly rule out a few choices...
Thanks fm1978
If I stick with the 30L it will definitely be the betta and snails. It was more of question on stock options if I do upgrade to the 60L. I like the look of the Corys so I reckon that would be a possibility.
Corys would be too big for the 30L, I'm afraid. They need to be in groups of 6 at least and even the pygmy corys need about 40/50L. You might be better looking into nano setups. There's a thread on here about them.
I don't think your understanding me sorry. I'm on about the stock for if I upgrade to the 60L and NOT stock for a 30L. If I stay with the 30L it will definitely just be betta, snail, shrimp.
Apologies if I misunderstood. Typical man, I only hear/read what I want to hear/read! :)
Yes, you will be able to have some corys if you go with 60L, some get quite big but there are several species that don't get much bigger than 5cm (panda, false bandit). There's a great resource here...
Corys are lovely little fish and are very entertaining, especially at night!
Well the hood is no good so plans are on hold. I will keep an eye out for a 60 litre now.
The only cories I'd put in the 60L (post dimensions if/when you get it) are pygmy, hastatus, habrosus, or panda.
If you want to do a betta with them I would not do the panda as it's max temp is 77F and the betta's is 78F.
The other three max out at 79F. My favorite cories for betta are sterbai as they can handle warmer temps than the others but they're best in a ~76l+.
If you do go with the 60l and are not set on cories or betta there are still quite a few options :) Peacock gudgeons, mosquito rasbora, neon green rasbora (microdevario kubotai), celestial pearl danios, spotted blue eyes (pseudomugil gertrudae), certain killifish, shrimp.. I'm not sure how easy these can be found for you but if not locally you can usually find them online. Something else that would work if you can find them are wild bettas, specifically falx, picta, albimarginata, or channoides.
Thanks ninjouzata I will look into the breeds mentioned above. The filter and heater Ive bought will only cope with upto 40 Litre, Im in two minds whether to get a 40 or 60 Litre now. I have found a bargain 60 Litre though which I may be able to collect tomorrow evening.
food for thought and some species to look into so all is good for now.
Thank You
Im sure that could be a possiblity one day but not at the moment. Id like a large 4' tank
to replace my Bearded Dragon Vivarium one day
Ive just bought a 60 Litre, Hopefully collect this afternoon
I guess I know the answer to this but will the 40litre filter I have be ok in the 60 Litre as it will be accompanied by plants? If not ill get a new filter but will have to wait for delivery.
Ideally a filter that is suited to the tank size or larger is always the way to go. 
Have you had a good read at the cycling article?
Ive read the cycle guide, bought the household ammonia from homebase. Will have to obviously read again before doing so.
The Guy im buying the tank from is giving me some cuttings of his plants, This might help the tank cycle quicker? Im in no rush to stock it yet though. Haven't even decided on what to stock it with. Still swaying towards betta, snail, shrimp and I guess now the tank is a 60L maybe some neon tetras if they get on with the betta?

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