New Juwel Rio 180 Questions


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2009
Reaction score
Exeter, England
Ive been looking into getting a new Juwel Rio 180 tank and I've just got a few questions I'd like answering :)

1) What wattage of heating would I need?
2) What external filter would be best suited to this tank?
3) Would this stocking be okay (It's a mixture of current tank in-mates and hopefuls):

  • 4 x Tiger Barbs
    1 x Rainbow Shark
    9 x Red Eye Tetras
    2 x Yo-yo Loaches
    Pair of Kribensis (Male/female)
    Fairy Cichlid (odd I know but its a long story)
    1 x Bristlenose plec

Thanks :)
Up the Tiger barbs to 8 to avoid fin nipping out side of the school and up the yoyos to 5 rehome the fairy cichlid and that sounds good to me.

As for external Id go for a Rena XP3 or equivalent ehiem - I keep hearing of to many leaking fluvals below the FX5s.
yeah I'm currently trying to rehome the Fairy but I'm struggling, and hes actually settled in really well and theres been no problems.
Would a Tetratec Ex700 be adequate filtration?

i had that filter on my 200 litre and before it was marine i had it quite heavily stocked and had no problems keeping water clear and ammonia free. i found it adequate but too much filtration is never a bad thing.
Okay that sounds good :)
Thanks a lot for your help.
Also, what wattage of heating would I need on the tank?
200 watt heater would be your best bet.

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