New internal filter


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
i bought a new internal filter about 6 weeks ago and for this time it has been running along with my old filter, today i took the old filter out and i was just wondering if my new filter will have enough good bacteria to maintain my tank

any advice would be greatful

thanks in advance
I would imagine it would be more matured by now. I usually only allow a week or two for the cross over and I've never had any problems.
i just dont want a mini cycle or an ammonia spike, the last time i lost all my prize tiger barbs, was devastated, i know that it should be fine by now but was just looking for a little reassurance

thanks anna
loachylover said:
i just dont want a mini cycle or an ammonia spike, the last time i lost all my prize tiger barbs, was devastated, i know that it should be fine by now but was just looking for a little reassurance
By now there should be a good lot of beneficial bacteria growing in your gravel so even if both filters packed up tonight, you might not get an ammonia or nitrite spike at all (at least not for quite a while - the lack of aeration would eventually effect the bacteria in the gravel as well).

I understand learning from your mistakes and being cautious and all that but I don't think you have any need to worry. The first time you do this it is scary but those bacteria are quite amazing ;)

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