New Hystrix Stingray

Big Rob

New Member
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Here's a pic of my new Hystrix Stingray. I originally planned on buying a motoro as I've owned a couple in the past, but once I saw this little girl, I was in love (partly because of her much lower price tag)! :D

She's a little thin, but alas aren't all wild caughts? Currently, she is the only fish in my 125, so I hope to fatten her up some before adding any tankmates.


Does anyone think her tail is unusually long? The reason I ask is because she was in a tank with three other rays, and her tail was by far the longest, even double that of the others that were in with her. Kinda made her stand out from the crowd!

EDIT: Hmmm. For some reason her tail doesn't look as remarkably long in the pic as if does in real life.... maybe the angle I shot it from......
I am jealous, I would have to go to Oregon or Nevada to get one of those, fresh water stings are illegal in California, don't kow why but I guess some whiney liberal animal rights activist said they wouldn't be good for the ecosystem if they are released into the wild so I guess I'm a** out on one unless I want to break a few rules (tempting). I would love to set up a fresh water ray tank, 125 or bigger, but right now finances and space prohibit that.....I guess I can live vicariously through yours for now...LOL
Whereabouts in northern California are you from? I'm from Chico, 1.5 hours north of Sacramento. Not much to chose from the lfs here, Chico is a small town. Maybe you can tell me some good lfs in Northern California. I'm willing to drive an hour or so.
I cant see the picture but if the tail is unusually long then she could be a P.reticulata. There is a lot of confusion over the identification of P.hystrix, P.reticulata and P.laticeps and especially so when they are small.
I'm in Redding, I too have a problem with finding a good LFS. I have however on several occassions when visiting the LA area have collected my fish from a store down there. It has been in business for 28 yrs. and has a wide selection to chose from. The owner isn't opposed to shipping fish to you, but of course it is costly. I know around here our only "fish stores" are Wal-Mart, Petco and Petsmart, they have large numbers of fish, but I haven't had much success with them surviving longer then 3 months. I hate to get attached to a fish only to have it suddenly die for no apparent reason so I have stayed away from buying fish from them. I don't know of any good LFS in your town, but you could try the Petsmart in Notomas Heights(sp) in Sacramento, it is located just off I-80 about a half mile from where I-5 and I-80 split heading towards Reno, you can give it a try. The fish should make the journey back to Chico, mine survive beeing in a bag for 24 hours when I bring them up from LA, it might be worth a try.
Thanks Troutfly,
There are 3 lfs here in Chico, but only 1 is worth going to. The other 2 are ich infested, among numerous other problems. The problem with the 1 lfs here that is decent is that they never stock anything different, and the selection is very small.
I do travel to the bay area ocasionaly to visit my parents, and there are decent places there, but I was hopeing there was something decent closer to home!
Oh well, thanks anyway!
How do you like Redding? I actually I considerd moving to Redding before I settled on Chico. Seems like a nice quiet town. Maybe a little too liberal for my taste though.
I too think Chico is a bit on the "Liberal" side, that is why I like Redding, it is bigger and has more to actually, plus it isn't over run by college kids (we have a couple colleges but nothing like Chico). If you are able to find fish near you I hope it works for the best. Our (variety) of LFS here are small and only stock the same fish (and are Ich infested sometimes also) I hate seeing great fish covered in Ich because the shop owner doesn't quarenteen new arrivals. I also hate to see them get a fish in as trade from someone and just dump the fish in any tank with out climatizing it or seeing if it is sick (once again ruining their stocks). I want to walk up and slap them when I see that.....

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