New hood ideas.


Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Great White North
I'm building a hood for my 25 gallon long apisto tank (30*12*15in)

I can get my hands on a power compact lighting setup for a good price.

It has 2x55w bulbs.

Would this be overkill or should it be ok?

The tank will be fairly heavily planted.

Thanks for your input.

It depends on your taste and which plants you want to grow. If you like the high tech tank that constantly changes, then go with the 2x 55w. If you prefer more of a static environment where there is less changes in the tank, and also less water changes, go with a lower lighting setup.
If you decide to go all out with a high tech planted tank, make sure you have enough CO2, dose sufficient fertilizer and the more plants you have to start out with, the better. Again, it all comes down to your preference.
PS: Can I ask where you are getting the 2x55w setup and how much?
That would be a great size. I would go with the 6500K bulbs also.

Another point. PC bulbs are a "You get what you pay for" item. The cheaper bulbs burn out quicker and cost you more in the long run IME.

:) Thanks for the responses.
Should i stick to 6500k or can I use something different?
I can get the setup with 10000K for about 60$CAD from a local lfs.
Is 10000 too high?
Or will that still work ok?

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