New Homes For Everyone


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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You'll be happy to note that today, my two bettas found new homes.... in larger tanks.

After trading out my 10g's filter, my female betta lives in the 10g tank. The filter's an Aquaclear 20, which is rated at 100gph at maximum output, but when it's throttled, only goes at 30gph. She's swum past the intake repeatedly, now, and shows no sign of struggle at all, same goes for the output. My ADFs and shrimps have about the same opinion of the new filter -- piece of cake -- although, I'll most likely be putting a prefilter on it tomorrow, just in case. So far, the girl has chased a couple ghost shrimp but only for a few seconds, she quickly loses interest in them, she's more interested in swimming around and exploring.

I also gave up my desk-buddy, Sori, to my 5g tank. I looked at him, and decided that if he's going to be a still, lethargic, old little geezer in a 1g bowl, he might as well be a still, lethargic, old little geezer in a 5g tank. The tank is more or less empty, except for some decor I removed from my 10g as I slowly went planted. He'll get hand me downs from the 10g for a while, until I stop. I probably won't filter it, as the 5g sports a reptile lid and I can't actually make a filter fit. If I get my greedy hands on a proper hood for the 5g, I'll put in one or two of my azoo palm filters, but for now he's filterless.

My desk suddenly looks empty and huge. :look: I would almost be tempted to get myself a third betta, except, you know... I won't. :lol: I miss him, I admit. He's such a personable little fish. You should see him wiggle from one side of the tank to the other, in the new one, it takes him forever. He's got a silk plant, some java moss, some bogwood, a terra cotta pot, and a couple river stones, apart from that, it's empty.

I ordered some silk plants online, so he'll be getting a messload of silk plants (and a heater, that's in the mail, as well, for now he's room temp like usual), later.

I had many grand and glorious plans, but I gave in and opted for the road of least resistance.


Sori's Sunset Years home, as empty as can be.

You're too kind, I know good and well it looks like *rap. :D

I'm sure Sori doesn't care, and I do have a tendancy to enjoy ugly things more than the common man. I may even keep it semi-bare bottom like this, it seems it'd be easier to keep clean, and it makes the rocks I put in there stand out all the more.

In fact, I think I'll seek out rocks that look nice on their own, to put in there, and keep the tank's concept the same.

I'm keeping all my bowls, just in case. They're also handy for water changes.
Thats a very good idea. I have a few bowls/jars/ice-cream tubs for when my bettas breed...I know there'll be a few i need to keep ;)
When I water-change my 10g, I change out 25%. I use my 2.5G bowl to measure what I siphon out, and then I use my 1.25g bowls to fill. If I want to do a 10% change (low nitrates in the tank, whatever [my 10g is planted, low nitrates is actually kinda bad for a planted tank, that's why I'd change less if it was low]), I use my 1g bowl to measure what I siphon out. It's real handy, like having measuring cups for my tank.

Edit: I just took this photo of Uta, which is also very bad... she's basically pale pink and blue, when I got her she was all white (you know, shop-stress). I think she's a spunky kid.

:lol: I'd like to think so.

I know my 10g is a good place for my girl. It's such a great place for my girl, it's almost a bad place for my ADFs. The ideal water chemistry for the two is slightly different... but so far, my frogs are doing really well in there, regardless.

I kinda miss my boy in the 5g, but even if he is swimming very very slowly, he is swimming around in there. I know he didn't like my 2.5g (ages ago), but it could be any number of things that made him not like it, back then. When I put him in the bowl, he seemed happier, more active. He ate better, all the rest of that good stuff. Before that, he often ignored his food or just swam up and down in a single corner for hours. So we'll see how he copes with the 5g. Some bettas just don't like big homes, you know?
Yeah. New bettas are always fun...I know a number of us are spawn currently, or beggining to. Maybe you can save a spot? :D
Yeah, maybe. I'd always promised myself a young betta, one day, or a fancy one, or some such. I promised myself before my other male betta died, that I'd get myself a non-VT to replace either of them when they passed, and then one of 'em died and I went out and got my girl, instead.

I wouldn't presume to ask anyone on the forum to give/trade/sell any of their stock, though... that'd just be... uhn, weird. ;) Just wouldn't feel proper :lol: I know that's a strange attitude to have, sorry if it sounds offensive, it's not meant to be. I'm not saying I never see a betta on here that I like, or a spawn that makes me go 'omgwtfbbq', but I'd feel weird demanding a fish from it, you know?

If an offer came up, I probably wouldn't refuse, but unless something rocked my socks, I probably won't be seen pan-handling.

"Bettas for the poor!"
:D I feel like showing off a bit.


I know the 10g is ugly ugly ugly, but it's made so much progress since I started it, I'm rather proud of it. I'm going to be changing out the substrate in the future, and tonight I'll be adding some watersprite to that empty hole stage left, and another crypt stage left-front.

I wish she'd stop pacing in the left corner. She doesn't seem to wander around much at all, in there, anymore. Let's see how she does in a couple weeks... you can actually see her, in there, she's in the corner. She seems to spend most of her time swimming in circles there, today. Since most fish go through an adjustment period when put in a new home, I'm not terribly concerned, yet, since everything in there is ideal, it's just up to time for her to sort it out.

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