We have created a new forum on the site where members may discuss hobby related legislation.
As a general rule we eschew the discussion of sensitive topics like politics but felt it was important to the hobby that aquarists were able to make each other aware of pending legislation and decide for themselves where to stand on the issues.
Please read the rules for posting before using the new forum.
You will find the new forum in the Think Tank area of the site or by following this link http/www.fishforums.net/index.php?/forum/293-hobby-related-legislation/
As a general rule we eschew the discussion of sensitive topics like politics but felt it was important to the hobby that aquarists were able to make each other aware of pending legislation and decide for themselves where to stand on the issues.
Please read the rules for posting before using the new forum.
You will find the new forum in the Think Tank area of the site or by following this link http/www.fishforums.net/index.php?/forum/293-hobby-related-legislation/