New here!

It looks really nice but it is sadly too small for those fish...
Oh no...they swim all day. Can they adjust?
No that isn't something they can adjust. They NEED to be in groups of 6 or more (8 or more is better). That is just part of their genetics. They need groups. Their social. And they need at least a 20-30 gallon tank.
They will remain stressed and live short lives in that tank.
I recommend setting up a larger tank. It is not suitable for them.
Fishkeeping rules:
Rule number 1:
do your research BEFORE buying any fish
Rule number 2:
be sure to buy a proper size tank for the fish you want to keep
Rule number 3: be sure your GH is suituable for the fish you want to keep
Rule number 4: buy a tank that suits the type of fish you want to keep...don't buy a tank that suits you...buying a tank too small for the fish you want to keep will result in stressed fish and stunted growth
Rule number 5: be sure tank is properly cycled before adding any fish
Rule number 6: read rule number 1 again!

Here is a good site to begin your research:

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