New Here :)

One more thing, when i turn of the light off the tetra start swim like craZy
Nothing unusual there.
eaglesaquarium one more time thanks for all the help :) :)
Anytime, bud.  Anytime.
Its all ok with my fish :) all swim good, happy :)

All because your help mate. No2 and no3 in 0
Baaaah :( today i wake up i go make a test for no2 and..... Its higher 10mg/l

Later when i finish with work its time to change some 25% water
25% will do nothing to help the fish.  That will bring the level down to only 7.5ppm.
You need to do a 90% water change.  Adding Prime (if you have it) can be added as well to help the fish cope with the nitrite, or you can add salt to deal with the nitrite.  (I warned you this was coming.) 
The good news is that the ammonia bacs have finally started to deal with the ammonia.  The bad news is that the nitrite bacs haven't yet developed to the point that they can handle the output from the ammonia bacs yet.
I made change 90% water.

Eagle other question my friend have some guupis and they are swiming at the top of the tank, is that normal?

Thanks for all
Guppies spend a decent amount of time at the top, but not exclusively so and will swim in all areas of the tank.  It would definitely be a good idea to test for ammonia and nitrite.  Spending a lot of time at the top and 'gasping' is a sign that they are struggling to get oxygen, and ammonia/nitrite poisoning is a common cause.
How old is the tank?  If its a new set-up it definitely is a issue with ammonia/nitrite.
He have the tank i think about 3 months but now he bought some plants real and fake
After 3 months, I'd assume its cycled, although if he changed out the filter media, he could be suffering a 'recycle' as the filter media holds a vast majority of the beneficial bacteria.

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