New Here.

They are beautiful girls, I love the cambodian female I lost mine last week, but she was quite old.....
They are beautiful girls, I love the cambodian female I lost mine last week, but she was quite old.....

Thank you very much and I am sorry to hear about your loss. I guess they do have to go at some time... though I wouldn't want any of mine to leave me! Not anytime soon at least. I don't ever remember being this much into my bettas as before! :hyper:
So I just noticed today that my girls are getting along... except for one. As I'm typing this I'm watching 3 of my girls swim around the front of the tank together without any problems, but my little dark girl (green in the picture) doesn't really stay with them. She kinda stays by herself for most of the time, unless it's feeding time. I usually see the cambodian give her a little chase away from the group. She doesn't chase her around the tank... she sorta just "shoos" her away. Maybe it's because she's smaller than the rest?
hi there and welcome to our little hide away.

i agree with devon the 3rd and 4th show a high amount of male characteristics so a close eye on them will be needed, it could be the case that they have been allowed to mature in a mixed sex tank so atm they will except the presence of females until one day, which day who knows, ive had females with what we would normally see as the smaller side o the beards but they turn out to be males.

get yourself a large jam jar and put the 2 possible males one by one ofcourse in the jar and place the jar next to the male VTs tank so he can see them leave there for about 4-6 days and feed the females 3 times a day but make sure you 100% water change the water in the jar once a day, dont worry too mouch about the temp if your home doesnt drop below 22 degrees at night, this will make you fully aware if they are females or not, they will flare a bit at the VT and go from horizontal stripes to vertical and will start to box out as they start to produce eggs, when this happens you have females, when this doesnt happen its time to buy new tanks :rolleyes:

as for the loner female, she has been made the bottom of the pecking order so will keep her distance from the others she is perfectly fine and in time will join the group.

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