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New Member
Jul 27, 2005
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Hi, I was looking for an aquarium forum and this seems like a nice place so I figured I'd register. I have a 29g tank with tetras (columbian and neon) and plecos (need to get more catfish as I lost the one I'd had for about a year). I also have a few goldfish in a tank, and in another tank an African dwarf frog.

Looking forward to getting to know you all! :)

Hi there Kelsie

Sounds like we will be seeing you around with all the different livestock you have!

Why don't you add your tank measurements (dimensions and size), plus you stock, to your signature. I've only been around a couple of months but found that it helps other people when I'm asking questions.

See you,
Hi welcome to the forums, A 29 might not be big enough for the plecos some can grow up to about 20 inchs.
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

ETA: I think I may have incorrectly identified the plecos. I was looking at the algae eater thread and my plecos look a lot like the bulldog pleco. I'd thought they were female bristlenoses. Sorry for the mix-up.

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