New Here, Loving My Bettas!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hey everyone, I'm called Adam (or ads, either one)!
I'm not new to fish ownership, however I am new to Betta ownership.
Me and my other half keep 2 female Betta Splendens (Fiona and Fantasia), 1 Male (fred) and a Plec (George), the tank we have is 48ltr and heated to 82F!

The male was introduced last week and is being kept a very close eye one, although the introduction went FANTASTIC and so far he doesn't seem to be bothering the females any more than he would any other compatible tank mate!

We are feeding the Bettas on a diet of blood worms (defrosted before feeding) and flakes towards the afternoon and evening (3 feeds), the plec has a plec feed tablet twice a day (although I'm not convinced that the Bettas don't enjoy them more than he does).

Me and my other half love animals, having a fair few (1 Minature poodle, 1 Yorkshire terrier, 1 anatheristic corn snake, 1 rabbit and one mouse).

We have a baby boy on the way, due in April, so it's all go at the moment!

One things that bugs me is people that take on pets without doing any research into their needs and how to look after them, too many people will just buy a tropical fish and pop it into a cold water tank then treat it like a goldfish (then wonder why it does after a day or two), i'm no animal rights activist but I do believe in being fair!

Anyway, I hope to meet others here with an interest in keeping bettas and other fish!

Hi, hallo, and welcome Adam...... I'm sure you'll find loads of others on here who are Betta fanatics... and I also know they'll insist on photos..... :lol: Enjoy your stay!....
Hi, hallo, and welcome Adam...... I'm sure you'll find loads of others on here who are Betta fanatics... and I also know they'll insist on photos..... :lol: Enjoy your stay!....
Thanks Ludwig :D looking forward to meeting more people here!
I spend too much of my time building websites for other people and not enough enjoying my own time on the net!
My turn :p haha
Hi! Welcome! As a part of this forum - you MUST post pictures of your bettas! :p bettas are my favorite fish - such great little characters!
Hi! Welcome! As a part of this forum - you MUST post pictures of your bettas! :p bettas are my favorite fish - such great little characters!
I will definitely do that! :D
This is a video of my current setup and new male (Fred) at the front.
And a warning - bettas can be contagious xD I was going to buy 3.... Then I added one more.... Now two more xD now I've got six bettas coming in the mail today!
And a warning - bettas can be contagious xD I was going to buy 3.... Then I added one more.... Now two more xD now I've got six bettas coming in the mail today!
Posted a video of my bettas above..

Let me know what you think :p

Also, yeah I can imagine they are contagious :p loving them so far and its only getting betta XD
Welcome! I am another of the forums betta fans, even though I keep fish of all varieties. I find that a betta's personality if more closer to a household pet, like a cat, than it is a fish. I think it's great that your females and male get along, but just a warning, have a 2-5g extra tank, just on the off chance that something happens. I have seen a male flip his lid really quick :)
Welcome Adam as said above just keep an eye out when mixing the 2 as its very rare it works for long periods of time. Also your feeding 3 times daily? There stomach is only the size of there eye so feeding once a day or even every other day is what most recommend, a good quality flake or pellet as the stable diet then bloodworm as a treat :)

Fred is a beauty
Welcome Adam as said above just keep an eye out when mixing the 2 as its very rare it works for long periods of time. Also your feeding 3 times daily? There stomach is only the size of there eye so feeding once a day or even every other day is what most recommend, a good quality flake or pellet as the stable diet then bloodworm as a treat :)

Fred is a beauty

Yeah, we'll cut the meal times down to twice a day for now and see how they get on, only small amounts per time, and thanks, he is lovely :)

Welcome! I am another of the forums betta fans, even though I keep fish of all varieties. I find that a betta's personality if more closer to a household pet, like a cat, than it is a fish. I think it's great that your females and male get along, but just a warning, have a 2-5g extra tank, just on the off chance that something happens. I have seen a male flip his lid really quick :)
Yeah, think I have acquired a smaller second tank as a backup option (hospital tank, backup tank) :)

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