New here and to tropical setup!

Tested water when I got home and ammonia is now 0 nitrates 0 nitrites 0

Should I just wait until I see a nitrate peek and then do water change?

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Once you have stable test results, meaning zero ammonia and nitrite, and nitrate at whatever (provided it is low), you go into a regular routine of partial water changes. No less than once a week, and a significant volume, say 50-60% of the tank, is my recommendation. The larger the volume of the water change, the more effective it will be. But except in unusual circumstances or emergencies, once a week should suffice.

I agree with other members who have recommended removing some of the fish, particularly the "shark." Not only does this fish get large, it must have a group (it is a shoaling species) and this means a very large tank. There are other issues I won't get into, but if the store will accept it, now is the time to do so.

So I've been lurking the past couple of days reading lots of valuable information. I'd like to introduce my gang (45ltr tank).

I've got neon tetra, guppies (I know guppies like hard water, tetras soft but was aware of this when I bought them :( ) they seem to be doing well, I hope they continue, has anybody ever had guppies and tetras in the same tank and ok?

I also have a couple of mollies, a silver shark and a Cody.

Will be getting some live plants this weekend and some rocks for hiding places as I've noticed my male balloon Mollie isn't very sociable.

Water temp is at 28 C
Ammonia 0.5
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
GH 250
KH 270
PH 7.8-8.0

Added fish Monday.
Not yet feeding them, will feed a pinch on Saturday and then do a 20% water change during the week. Does this sound right?

Any advise appreciated! [emoji4]

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Oh gosh! 20 fish in 10 gallon tank?! The tank most likely cant handle that and thats why your ammonia is so high.i would eithier:
Get another 10 gallon tank and put half in one 10 gallon tank and half in your other one
Start cycling a 20 gallon tank
Or take some back
:) good luck! Neon tetras are REALLY sensitive fish that need averything perfect!
You will probaly need to rehome your shark since they do get pretty big and agressive towards other fish.
☹️ so I've decided to take a few back with me when I go to get the plants and decor. Bala shark and maybe the mollies. I absolutely LOVE the tetras and danios so would like to keep them.

Just one more question!

I have a have a tetra with no eyes at all, he is completely see-through where his eyes are meant to be!! He swims into the plants quite a bit, do you think he will be ok finding food or is it likely he will not survive? Not a very good picture but you can see what a mean. Any ideas why this has happened, surely he was born with no eyes?

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Honestly I'd try to cut down to 10 fish. Maybe limit to two schooling species of 5 each. If the tank is doing well later, after cycling, you could potentially add one or two more.

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Is it one of those cave fish? Mine spiraled down following a flake until it got it.

Got my plants and background this evening! Loving the new look and the fish are loving nibbling and swimming in them! The neons and guppies colours look amazing against the dark background.

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I going to suggest something which I believe will make your fish happier, and you too. Can you pick out the white stones sitting on the black substrate? White is not a good colour (if white is technically a "colour") to have on the substrate as all fish find it un-natural. If you remove it, the fish will likely develop stronger coloouring. They will certain "feel better." And I think you like the change yourself; white on the substrate reflects light, which makes it harder to see the fish and plants, and it tends to be "noticeable" to our eyes.

Did you get the chance to do a water change? Is your ammonia any better?

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Did you get the chance to do a water change? Is your ammonia any better?

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Ammonia has been at 0 for two days and nitrate still at 0 so I'm going to do a water change today. How long should it take before you start seeing nitrates going up?

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Do you have a nitrite test kit? If you're not seeing any nitrates it's likely you have nitrites.

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Are you using a liquid test kit or strips? How often are you feeding/doing water changes?

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Are you using a liquid test kit or strips? How often are you feeding/doing water changes?

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I'm using test strips, I've read they are not the most accurate but can't afford the liquid one at the moment. I've done my first water change today 20%. Only started feeding yesterday and only a tiny bit, will be feeding every other day. Im

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