New Here And Into Corys


New Member
Dec 10, 2006
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As you can tell I'm new here, but not to fish keeping. I only have one tank which set up as Amazon style mainly for Corys and SA fish (apart from loaches/barbs) this is what I've got:
Corydoras Narcissus x 4 (upto 4")
" Suessi x 4
" Gossei x 4
" Arcuatus x 4
" Super Arcuatus x 4
" Blochi Vittatus x 3
" Sp 'Rio Negro'
" Cervinus/Christeni? x 1
" Concolor x 1

I'm sure I have more than that but due to there heavily planted enviroment I rarely get to see them as they live amongst plants most of the time. I also have:

Denninsni Barbs x 10 (upto 3")
Clown Loach x 6 (snail control)
Geophagus Jurupari x 4
Aphyocharax Paraguensis x 5
Ancistrus x 1pr

Sorry I don't have any pictures, but I love the way it looks, sadley I have to break this et up down shortley due to upgrading to a 5x2x2 and setting up tangyanikan biotope.


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