New Hamster, How Long....


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi there, i bought a new hammie called harry (hes a syrian) last week i let him settle into his cage for a couple of days then thought i should try to stroke him, so i took the top part of the cage off and put some food in my hand it took a while for him to come over he sniffed then run off, i then cupped my hands either side of him so he had no choice but to walk on my hands hes six weeks old and very fast and very nervous how long will it take for him to calm down and relax with me, i know it will take alot of constant handeling and im prepared for that, ive had hamsters before but they were way to young to be taken from their mum so they were easy to get used to me, thanks in advance :rolleyes:
It depends on the hamster. It could takes months, a couple of weeks a few days. Just keep going at it. There is no set time.
I had a nervous one that never settled down, he turned to biting me. But the other 6 of mine was about 2 weeks of me stroking and holding them, and then they were fine.
Normally Syrians will become to know you within a week to two weeks. BUT if you leave them around 2 weeks without doing anythign with them they will forget you and not know you anymore.. It could take a little bit for him to get to knwo you but shouldn't take no longer than three weeks...
excellent well i'll keep spending lots of time with him and hope he becomes my friend soon, thanks for you replies :good:
Good luck! Some hamsters will never calm down as such, my current hamster spent the first 6 months I had her running around like crazy. Sometimes getting them out of the cage in a small bowl helps and then feed them some treats on your lap so they begin to associate you with something positive and don't see you as a threat.

As for forgetting people, I've left my hamsters for two weeks before and they've recognised my scent still when I get back.
Normally Syrians will become to know you within a week to two weeks. BUT if you leave them around 2 weeks without doing anythign with them they will forget you and not know you anymore.. It could take a little bit for him to get to knwo you but shouldn't take no longer than three weeks...

Thats stupid and untrue. They may be a little nervous but they won't become untame, lol.
i didnt see my hamster for 6 months nd he still knew me

took me a few hours to bond with mine... but mines a russian dwarf
they have great noses dont they?? so i shouldnt see why they wouldnt reconise your scent again? as long as you've spent lots of time with them before you go away? my dwarf is getting old now and has started to bite a lot but shes got an ear infection on starting to get lumps just like her brother... bless
Er I used to have a sirian one aswell and it took me a few weeks of handeling and that

also: mine lived for 5 1/2 yrs witch is good aparantley:)

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