New Guys And Gals.

You have your litre to gallon conversion wrong. There are 3.78l in 1US gall, so-
20l=5gall. Minimum recommended for a group of females is 10gall, that's without the neons.
10l=2.5gall. Pushing it really as a minimum size for 1 betta.
5l=just over 1gall. Really too small :(
Dividing the 20l tank for 2 bettas would be OK, but don't add neons.
It's probable the dropsy your female died of was caused by bad water quality. Are all these tanks filtered and how long have they been running?
All my tanks are filtered. Bowls are not they get water changes all the time.

My female tank has been running for about 3 months with heater and filter as I didnt know what I wonted to put in there and I was away alot and comuldnt do water changes when needed. I was told by about 3 fish shops that could place 4 females in a 20l, plus four neons and a catfish.

Marble is only in 10L bowl untill I divided the tank. And I only have one in a 5L has that was all I had left here as I have all my other bigger tanks at my bf's. because the fish was ment to be a female not a male.

What tail type is he?

LoL are you sure its a male? I guess best advice is heal the finage and post again when its done healing, I only count 2 rays this is the reason I am asking for you to heal the finage. But looking at this picture and going by only this picture is hard to tell, but I would say its a combtail (its from a breed Crowntail with vail female), my guess is its a male from the anal fin but depends on what type it is, if its Imbellis its probably a female, the males have longer anal fins and I mean way longer than this. Could be a PK than it could be a definite male. Really hard to tell for the reason of the short cadual fin. Now looking at the top fin that just confuses me even more because its not a imbellis fin so I am guessing that its probably just a normal combtail or its a hybrid of somesort

Basically heal the finage and post again when its healed and I can attempt to guess again!
I just took this pictures of him.
He has a bubble nest. . .
and is flaring at the other female/male that I brought at the same time as him. They are both flaring at each other. But the other one has a lot of finage that needs to repair.


They are all really gorgeous, especially your boys! Sorry that your female passed from dropsy but least it was fairly quick. Best of luck with all of them x

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