New Guys And Gals.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
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Just thought i would show off my new guys and gals. I just cant not help myslef when it comes to bettas. I believe i am know up to 2 males and 4 females here, and 3 males and 1 female at my boyfriens. LOL.




The ones I got today, stil in the bag.


This female I got a few weeks ago. She acts fine, eats, etc. But now she doesn't look herself.


If anyone can tell me if she is fine or what, that would be nice.

The last one doesn't look like in good health.
I'm not too sure but it looks like its got dropsy :sad:
Hopefully Im wrong, wait for more experienced fishkeeper's comment.
She definitely has dropsy :(

There are 2 causes for dropsy. One is a bacterial infection and can sometimes be cured with meds but a salt bath is the best route to go.

The other is caused by kidney failure, which is incurable :(

This is a most common and most fatal betta disease. oftentimes linked to the feeding of live foods, especially black worms. Very little is know about it, but what causes the raised scales is fluid building up under the skin, inside the betta's tissue. Usually what causes fluid to build up is simple kidney failure. And as you know, once the kidneys fail, the body dies. I think that is why we have had so little luck (NO LUCK AT ALL) in treating successfully bettas with dropsy. Although dropsy (the symptom) itself is not contagious, BACTERIA THAT CAUSE THE KIDNEY FAILURE in the first place usually are very very contagious.


It is easy to diagnose a betta with Dropsy: Look for two signs: an abnormally big (bloated) belly and if you look at betta from the top, raised scales. Scales will look like an open pine cone. If you see this, you are out of luck, and so is Betta. He will soon go to betta heaven …


No known cure. Keep water clean, keep him AWAY from any other bettas etc… On occasion, in the case of a very mild raised scales, I have seen bettas recover on their own. But I suspect that this is because those cases are NOT real dropsy. Real dropsy always kill. So I guess you have to wait and see what happens. Treating is pretty useless. It may take up to 15 days for betta to die, though usually about 5 days. Any betta with dropsy should be immediately ISOLATED!!!! Prayer may not hurt.
Quote from Bettatalk
Hey everyone.

Thanks for your reply's. sorry to say but this morning I woke up and she had passed on.

On the other hand. I've had to use my sisters back up tank for a female (as said by the fish shop) but guess what. . . another male. Love it.
I made sure to ask them about this one at the shop when I went back to look. They said def. female.

Here she/he is in the bag yesterday.

The thing is she was fine in the tank with alot of other fish in the shop. Like 6 females.

What tail type is he?
Oh so sorry to here :-( I remember last year I lost my Betta Charlie to dropsy so I know what you're going through.
Sorry Amberleaf - The females are in a 20L tank with plants and drift wood. There is 5 neon tetra in with them as well which seem to be doing well.

Peachis is in his own 20L (about 70us gallons I think) with rocks and plants. I'm not sure if im going to slip the tank and place Marble next to him or try neon tetras in with him. He seems to be a friendly fish.
Could I put neon tetras in the divided bit or is it a bit to small. I'm thinking just a little to small.

Marble ATM is in a 10L about 35 us gallons I think) bowl. With a few plants. and Devil (as my cousin has called him as he was ment to be a female and then was flaring up and chasing the females, LOL.) is in about a 5L (about 17.5us gallons I think) bowl.

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