New guy

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What kind of test kit are you using? What kind of water conditioner?

As mentioned above, fishless cycling is much less stressful on fish, and on fishkeepers, as well...but it can and has been done many times...just takes much more effort than fishless cycling
Thank you, and I have the API freshwater master test kit and I used the prime concentrated conditioner
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

You only need to test the water once a day. There's no point doing it several times each day.
I know but right now I’m paranoid lol every more so because my bloom is happening but its already starting to clear up nicely and my fish haven’t shown any difference in how they have been acting
Yea my goal is maybe within six months to a year to give it a try. Been doing a lot of research already but won’t to feel more confident with freshwater before I go towards salt since there is more to it
@PheonixKingZ has experience with small saltwater setups. He may be bale to help...

It's definitely more expensive and time consuming. Also it's more meticulous work
Yea but really trying to do my best this go around, my ultimate goal is to beat a salt tank going
Definitely start with freshwater, it will give you a lot better perspective on saltwater. It is much more expensive and very time consuming, especially when first starting out.

Welcome to the forum! :hi:
Well, hi & welcome to TFF... :hi:

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