New Guy.


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
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G'day all.

Just to show you the new guy I got. I felt so sorry for him. I cant wait to get him back to his former glory.


Good on you! He does look rather sad, but he's gonna be a looker!
Oh bless him, his colouring is lovely have you a name for him yet?

Thanks. No. he doesnt have a name yet. Any ideas?

I have only name one of my 4 bettas.

Good on you! He does look rather sad, but he's gonna be a looker!

Yer. With some love and care he will be back to normal. I just couldnt go pass him. The poor little guy.
awww...he's red :hyper: a softie for the red oldest and favorite betta (dont tell my other boys that) is red...your new guy will be good as gold in no time! and boy does he look grumpy! i like the grumpy ones as well!
good for you for rescuing..all of mine are rescues...if i had space for ONE more tank i saw a gorgeous boy at walmart of all places the other day and felt very sorry for him...he was beautiful!!! but no more tanks! :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
best of luck to you both!
That's what I'm hoping. He is already starting to look better. He is a cute little guy. Still with on name.
aww...dont feel badly about not having named him...i have three boys, all without names. and my oldest ive had for over a year and a half and i just call him betta..i call them all betta actually...or mr betta or mr fish, red boy, blue boy, etc. i even have a turtle that is called turtle...creative, eh?

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