New Member
Hey ya'll from the freezing cold Des Moines, IA (Low tonight is about -11 Fahrenheit). So quick backstory... Was going to therapy 2x a week, diagnosed with Severe PTSD, severe anxiety, and severe depression. Down to 1x a week now and got my medication right, etc. My therapist has a fish tank in her office and it calms the heck out of me. So I thought why not put one in my house? Currently, living in my parents basement due to suicidal attempts/drug use. Please don't judge me upon that. Just want to have a fish tank however, I live in the basement. Mom keeps the house at 62 degrees and at night drops down to 58 degrees. I say this because I probably would need one hell of a heater for the aquarium or a fish tank that is ok with cold weather. I don't have a fish tank or anything yet, but proposed the idea to my parents tonight and they're ok with it. I'm thinking probably about a 20 gallon tank but past that, no knowledge of fish. I know I have to cycle, been reading up on it before even asked my parents. Anyway, ANY advice or suggestions or questions would be very welcome. Obviously, I see that ya'll know what you guys are doing (Love the pics from TOTM and other animal pics). I have a black cat named Jett who is basically my emotional support animal. Anyway, thank you in advance!