New Guppie I Am Working With


Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2008
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cumbria uk
this is one of my guppies i have been working on for a few months now i would like at this stage to get everyone’s opinion how you think they are looking
at some point I would like to make the golden yellow body colour a little more golden

Very nice, is there some Endler's in there?

There is endler in the fish but this is way down the line
The one I started with were the tiger hybrid endler I got them showing a red tail instead of the blue the strain were very week and I lost all but one male to which I put with a blue moscow the first fry were very poor looking washed out colour I picked the best male and out crossed it to a new blue moscow these are f3 and you can see in the pics there are a few of his offspring the females showing the dark tails I will put him back to one of his daughters to see what comes
Very was the 'black bar' that made me think Endler's.
It is a very nice looking fish. The black bar is not that reminiscent of an endler but the blackspot behind the gills is a nice added feature. The color pattern in the dorsal and the tail are very nice features. If you can develop a strain that breeds true and looks like your sample, I would say you have something to be very proud of.
That's a great looking guppy, I always like blue, yellow and green on guppies. Lovely subtle but bright colouration and markings.
What u want to id breed him with a virgin sister's to try to fix the colours and breed daughters back with him remember to select the strongest fish though.

I'll be posting a video soon of the guppy show last sunday will give u an idea of what ur up against.

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