New Green Asian Arowana Is Here

Sev has gon bring on the tigs :shifty: Now just an observation my aro swims perfectly fine and seems happy although must be hungry but whats really odd is you turn the light of he leans to the right I noticed this morning when I came down that he was swimming leaning to the right but as soon as the lights went on he straightend up is this odd???
judging by the vid the aro looks perfectly healthy to me
until now i wernt to keen on greens but i think yours is sweet
we are getting another shipment of aros soon i might have to get few greens :shifty:
i have not seen many greens so i couldnt comment
but if your happy with the fish who cares
Yeah I think he is great just want him to eat tried a bit of mussel tonight nope wasnt interested. :angry:
Cool can you try and get a pic of the tigs tonight so I can see them before I come to get them tomorow.
i personally think that arrowana are ugly, but sure is a hearty fish :rolleyes:

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